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Jacob Buurma

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 13 total)
  • Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Display search results in two columns

    Bingo. That worked. Thanks, Trevor!

    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Search Form Styling Thwarted

    Thanks, Trevor.
    The CSS seems to be working – it’s just that my browser is picking it up erratically!


    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Search Form Styling Thwarted


    I added a few snippets of CSS:

    font-size: 2em;
    width: 600px !important;

    I think I also tried:

    .searchandfilter li.sf-field-search label,
    .searchandfilter li.sf-field-search input {
    width: 100%;

    The CSS was a guess, but I couldn’t get it to work.

    I also tried adjusting various elements with the Inspect tool with Chrome to no avail. Any ideas?

    I’m using the Avada theme, which seems to interact with S&F unusually at times…


    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    One search works, one doesn't
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    One search works, one doesn't
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Second Search comes up blank

    Thanks! I have touched base with them about the problematic script and will let you know what I hear.

    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Second Search comes up blank

    Trevor –

    Hello again. Beaver Builder hasn’t been able to find anything with regard to that auto-scrolling issue.

    I tried changing the theme (to Astra) and the auto-scrolling still seems to happen on pages with S&F.
    So it’s likely not theme related.

    Could there be a setting in S&F to disable this?

    Thanks for your help!

    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Second Search comes up blank

    OK, thanks. I’ll check with them.

    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Second Search comes up blank

    Thanks again. With regard to the second issue, at your suggestion, I played with a few settings on Beaver Builder and get that to work ( Fixed!

    Is there a way to remove the Masonry script so that I don’t get the auto-scroll down on pages that have S&F? Is that something from the Avada theme, Beaver Builder or S&F?

    Jacob Buurma in reply to:
    Second Search comes up blank

    Thanks for looking into this. Reviewing the links you sent, I noticed that the problem may have to do with the Ajax loading. When I turned “Load results using Ajax” off, the Beaver Themer template ( worked as expected. Yes! It’s fixed.

    Two follow-ups: on all pages with S&F, I’m now getting a slight scroll when loading the page. Not a deal breaker, but I do have the “Scroll window to” shaded out as I’m not using Ajax. Any ideas why this still happens?

    Second, when I tried to create a similar type of search for the other Custom Post Type on the site (Working Papers), again using Beaver Themer and the “Post Type Archive” for results – it didn’t filter the results. The full list comes up with every search. Feel free to have a look:

    The only difference with this Working Paper custom post type search is that I have the Working Papers arranged by year, rather than all in one group (as with the fixed Affilates search). Would that make a difference?

    Thanks for your help…

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 13 total)