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Kevin Frey

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Kevin Frey in reply to:
    Include results in every search

    Hi Ross,

    Thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I had scoured the support forum very closely, so had already seen the code for modifying the query, but I also noticed that the modification in the example serves to further restrict the results (based on author).

    I’m not sure how I would go about modifying the query to expand the number of returned results. I understand that is beyond the scope of your support, though, so I don’t expect you to spend time on it. Will 2.0 be able to accomplish what I am looking for?


    Kevin Frey in reply to:
    Broken "next page" links (sometimes)

    Ah! For what it’s worth, I found the answer. Hopefully this, as well as the thread on which I found my solution, will help.

    On the display results tab, my pagination selector was incorrect! Instead of having “.pagination a” for some reason I had changed it to “.pagination > a” which doesn’t work because the “a” tag is not a direct child of the “.pagination” class.

    I got the idea to check that from this thread:

    Kevin Frey in reply to:
    Broken "next page" links (sometimes)

    For what it’s worth, I’m encountering this exact same problem, and I’d love to see it working properly.

    The page is

    If you check “brick,” then use the “next” link to go to page 2, you will go to a page that loads only the results — no template, header, styles or anything else.

    If you check “brick” then check “building stone” then uncheck “building stone,” the pagination seems to work fine.

    I’m not sure what to do to fix it.

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