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Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 38 total)
  • Grosvenor in reply to:
    Pagination with search results not letting me click on or back to page 1

    Hi Ross,
    Any updates on this? It’s a bug we’ve found on production and we are trying to fix it quickly. Please let me know if you can replicate the issue.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Search and Filter Cache

    We had some quick questions around SF caching and optimal PHP ini settings. We are still running into background process caching errors: ‘Running background processes is either disabled or has failed in this environment’, and we only have 25 posts….so there is not much to cache.

    1) When Search and Filter rebuilds a cache, does it rebuild by going through ALL of our content, or does it merely change details for the newest/updated post in the cache? Would you be able to provide more insight into how SF Caching works?

    2) Are there any specific PHP settings that you’d recommend adjusting, that might possibly fix this issue? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display

    Yes, can we use or something so i can show you my screen? let me know a time that works well for you. Also, are you able to send me a working demo of a multiselect combobox being used with Search Operator set to ‘OR’, where the choices selected are still visible in the combobox after results are displayed? I’m thinking this could be a bug, so maybe if you’re able to recreate the same field you’ll either see the same thing, or be able to show me a working demo of this example.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display

    One more thing – if I change this from a multiselect to checkboxes (search operator still set to OR), then the chosen options remain checked, as expected. The options disappearing only seems to be a problem with the multiselect combo box.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display

    One more thing to note – if I keep the Search Operator as ‘OR’, and select only one option, the option displays within the combobox when search results show up. If I add more than one option, both options disappear from the combobox when search results show up. It seems as if the ‘chosen-choices’ ul is emptying out all of its <li class=”search-choice”> entries.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Within multiselect combo box, selected attributes disappear when results display

    Hi Trevor,
    Unfortunately it’s on a private internal network, so I can’t send you the URL. I can send you any specs you need though…just let me know. Are you not able to replicate the error? When I switch back to search operator ‘AND’, they display exactly as expected in the combobox after results are loaded. When I change it again to ‘OR’ they disappear. One more thing to note is that the general Search Operator (between all Search & Filter Fields, defined at the top) is set to ‘AND’. Doesn’t make a difference (tried changing this to OR), but thought it was worth mentioning.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Where are Search & Filter configurations stored?

    Thanks Trevor. I looked through the wp_posts table and I found the id to our Search and Filter widget, with some of the configs saved.

    There are still some configurations unaccounted for, and I’m still not sure how these are stored in the DB. If either of you guys could provide clarification on this, that would be much appreciated!

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Need to show all options of dynamic dropdown filter on initial page load

    I just tried again by deleting all old files, then pasting in the new
    files you sent, and it still doesn¹t seem to be working.

    Any ideas?

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 38 total)