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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 38 total)
  • Grosvenor in reply to:
    Gracefully import 30000 posts

    Hello again,

    So we were able to significantly lower the page load time by disabling Auto Count setting in S&F.
    For 30 000 posts the load time of a page with S&F widget went down from 6 minutes (!!) to 7 seconds.

    As per our our conversation, we are considering chunking our posts in smaller groups. We ran some performance tests for 5 000 posts with Auto Count disabled. Here are the results:
    Load page with S&F widget ~3.6 sec
    Perform a search ~27 seconds

    While this timings are looking much better, 27 seconds is way too slow for searching 5 thousand posts.
    Is there anything else we are missing?

    Some info about our environment:

    Physical server: AWS t2.small; 2 GB memory; CPU 1 core up to 3.3 GHz
    OS: Windows Server 2012
    Webserver: IIS 8.5
    PHP 5.6.22
    Wordpress 4.6.1
    S&F Pro 4.6.1
    MySQL 5.6.27

    php max_memory_limit 256M;

    Snippet from S&F System Status:
    Table wp_search_filter_cache Exists: ✔ 204875 Rows Found
    Table wp_search_filter_term_results Exists: ✔ 9916 Rows Found
    Total Number of Fields Cached: 4

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Gracefully import 30000 posts
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    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Gracefully import 30000 posts

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks for responding after hours.

    Regarding your suggestion to add individual post to the cache after each iteration: that seems like exactly what we did in APPROACH#2. Please refer my original post to see issues that we ran into with that.

    Our blog is hosted in AWS cloud on a t2.small instance.

    If we potentially switch to more resourceful server, which PHP settings do you recommend to change?

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Multiselect ComboBox removes all options chosen when I try to type in a term

    Hi Ross,
    Are you able to do a screenshare or can you replicate this on your end? We are looking to fix this before our release in two weeks, any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know – thanks.


    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Multiselect ComboBox removes all options chosen when I try to type in a term
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    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Pagination with search results not letting me click on or back to page 1

    Great – keep us posted! Thank you for looking into this.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Pagination with search results not letting me click on or back to page 1

    Hi Ross,
    Just wondering if there were any updates on this ticket. Keep us posted if you can, and let me know if you need any additional code.

    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Pagination with search results not letting me click on or back to page 1
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    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Pagination with search results not letting me click on or back to page 1

    Hi Trevor,
    Here is an example of the pagination code we have:

    Within our index.php page:
    // Previous/next page navigation.
    the_posts_pagination( array(
    	'mid_size'			 => 2,
    	'prev_text'          => __( 'Previous page', 'twentysixteen' ),
    	'next_text'          => __( 'Next page', 'twentysixteen' ),
    	'before_page_number' => '<span class="meta-nav screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Page', 'twentysixteen' ) . ' </span>',
    ) );
    Within link-template.php:
    function get_the_posts_pagination( $args = array() ) {
    	$navigation = '';
    	// Don't print empty markup if there's only one page.
    	if ( $GLOBALS['wp_query']->max_num_pages > 1 ) {
    		$args = wp_parse_args( $args, array(
    			'mid_size'           => 1,
    			'prev_text'          => _x( 'Previous', 'previous post' ),
    			'next_text'          => _x( 'Next', 'next post' ),
    			'screen_reader_text' => __( 'Posts navigation' ),
    		) );
    		// Make sure we get a string back. Plain is the next best thing.
    		if ( isset( $args['type'] ) && 'array' == $args['type'] ) {
    			$args['type'] = 'plain';
    		// Set up paginated links.
    		$links = paginate_links( $args );
    		if ( $links ) {
    			$navigation = _navigation_markup( $links, 'pagination', $args['screen_reader_text'] );
    	return $navigation;
     * Display a paginated navigation to next/previous set of posts,
     * when applicable.
     * @since 4.1.0
     * @param array $args Optional. See {@see get_the_posts_pagination()} for available arguments.
     *                    Default empty array.
    function the_posts_pagination( $args = array() ) {
    	echo get_the_posts_pagination( $args );
    Grosvenor in reply to:
    Pagination with search results not letting me click on or back to page 1

    Ok. Is there any way I can help? Let me know if you would like to do a screenshare. I noticed the issue on our old version of the plugin, and the new.

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