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Tim Houghton

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  • Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering
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    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    I’d be happy to create an account for you, thanks!

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    On the results page? Everything seems to be laid out normally. It’s just a simple 2 row VC layout, with the search form on row 1 and the results shortcode on row 2.

    If I click into the pages listed in the search results they are all laid out as expected.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    Damn autocorrect. shortcakes = shortcodes.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    Oops, after further study 🙂 I may have misstated the problem. Sorry 🙁

    I am using the shortcode to display results, and am using it to display results from a Custom Post Type. The CPT is part of WP-Customer Area, which enables userlevel-based viewing permissions on a page-by-page basis.

    When I visit the URL with the search form on it, a set of results are loaded but instead of the excerpt they display parts of my menu. I guess this is probably related to viewing privileges. However if I filter for anything or search for any term the results update, but this time they DO contain the correct excerpt, along with the unwanted Visual Composer shortcakes.

    So it seems like there are two separate issues going on.

    The first part I’m not too worried about. If I could just have zero results pre-loaded when I visit the search page that would be fine. Is there a way I can disable the results that are “pre-loaded”?

    The second part I would like to figure out a way to strip the tags.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Cannot update profile email
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    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    A interesting tidbit I just noticed which might be of interest … I load my search page, the results are pre-loaded and look fine, no shortcodes displayed. If I filter for anything the results update and Visual Composer shortcodes appear. However if I then reload the whole page in my browser, the page reloads with the filtered results I had previously selected, but without Visual Composer shortcodes.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    Hi there, sorry for the delay 🙂

    Yes I meant shortcodes, sorry. They look like [vc_row][vc_column width="1/2"] etc etc

    There are no console errors or warnings when I filter results.

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