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Tim Houghton

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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 28 total)
  • Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Hide initial results on first page load

    Hi again 🙂

    What does the 1726 in the 2nd line of that code refer to? Is that a page ID?

    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(1726)->current_query();

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Search results dates

    This site has been running WordPress since 2010. All the recent IDs are the 20,000 range. The oldest posts and pages have IDs in the 1-100 range. I think there have been several site updates over the years. Every couple of years the ID numbers jump a few thousand, e.g. in 2011 the post IDs jump from 1600 to 3000. I’m guessing there was a lot of importing and deleting posts round about then.

    There aren’t a huge number of total items though, about 400 posts, 250 pages, 100 custom taxonomy items, and 1800 media uploads.

    Have we ruled out some bug related to the shortcode outputs the dates? it really does look like that is the problem. If I change all the dates so each item is a different date I can make all the dates appear in the search results. It seems to be definitely the 2nd – nth occurrence of each date that has it’s date missing. The 1st instance of each date is always there.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Hide initial results on first page load

    Thanks! I’ll test it out and report back.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Search results dates

    It’s a bit tricky unfortunately. It’s all account restricted on a client server as well as confidential.

    I’m displaying the search results with a shortcode [searchandfilter id=”23414″ show=”results”]

    And the results look like this:

    (In this example 5 items are dated 27th Oct, 2 items are dated 26th Oct, and 1 item is 25th Oct. You can see how only the first item from each date displays a date.)

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    No problemo, cheers!

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    I don’t know how it happened, but both of those ‘this thread’ links in the two posts above are wrong. They should both point to this URL

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    Actually I spoke to soon.

    The if statement in this thread doesn’t quite work. It partly works insofar as there are no results on initial page load, and if I choose a category or tag then results appear. So far so good. But if I just search for word there are no results at all.

    If I remove the if statement then I do get results.

    Is if ($sf_current_query->is_filtered()) supposed to trigger if a word has been searched for?

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering

    Thanks Trevor! Good to talk to you.

    I read through those threads and ran some tests. This thread was the one with the solution to my first question (hiding results at first load).

    The Visual Composer shortcodes are a bit of a mystery, so I’ll look into the feasibility of manually adding excerpts to each page. Failing that the client will have to be happy with hiding excerpts in the results altogether.

    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering
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    Tim Houghton in reply to:
    Tags appearing in search results after filtering
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Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 28 total)