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Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Paula in reply to:
    Display search results in a grid with preview

    Hey Ross

    Sorry to bother you, but I hope you can get back to me soon


    Paula in reply to:
    Display search results in a grid with preview

    Hey Ross

    Any help would be much appreciated, if you could.


    Paula in reply to:
    Display search results in a grid with preview

    Hey Ross

    I see! That makes sense. And I do recall seeing the FAQ entry earlier, but somehow forgot all about it in the midst of everything… sorry!

    I’m still a bit lost on where or when to use the supplied code, though. Would that be in the theme’s (or child theme’s) functions.php? At what point, and how? And how would the jQuery getscript tie in? I tried looking for example solutions, but they seemed to be marked as private replies. I also tried fiddling around with the code, but didn’t manage to get on the right track, I feel…

    Paula in reply to:
    Display search results in a grid with preview

    Hey Ross,

    After some research and a bunch of trial and error (since I’m very new to this all still, and spent way too long trying to fiddle with pre_get_posts…), I managed to make it work by checking whether we’re on the right page, and then modifying the custom query by adding $query[‘search_filter_id’] = *my id number*; So before anything else, thank you so much for the help on that!

    Now I just have one more problem! See, when I first enter the page, the portfolio grid looks like this, aka, the way it’s supposed to, with the preview button working and everything.

    Then, after adding some filters the grid now looks like this and clicking on a portfolio item doesn’t open the desired lightbox preview.

    This doesn’t happen if I have the “Load results using Ajax?” box unchecked, or if I manually refresh the page (keeping the filter terms in the address bar) after displaying the results with Ajax. So yeah, it looks like an Ajax problem?

    However, I’d very much like to keep the Ajax loading feature if at all possible, since it’s very convenient for the user. Would you have any idea as to what I should do from here…?

    Thanks again!

    Paula in reply to:
    License not activating


    Any further ideas on what to do? I’ve tried different browsers, deactivating and activating again a few more times and so on since the last time, but still no luck. The plugin is very vital for our project, and being able to activate and update it essential.

    Thank you in advance!

    Paula in reply to:
    License not activating

    Hey again! I’m sorry for the wait.

    CURL is definitely enabled. I’m not entirely sure how to check for wp_remote_get, but we did a few tests where any settings that would interfere with it were changed for a while, but activating still didn’t work.

    Paula in reply to:
    License not activating


    I contacted our helpdesk to ask about it (we’re a school environment), and will reply back once I hear from them, hopefully later today.

    Paula in reply to:
    License not activating


    I think I’ve tried those steps before, but just in case, I tried again just now. It didn’t help, though, still no signs of activation.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)