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Senac São Paulo

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 14 total)
  • Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    ACF Field – Order Options by LABEL
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    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    ACF Field – Order Options by LABEL
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    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    ACF Field – Order Options by LABEL

    Yes, I did all these things.

    Also deleted the form and created a new one… But it doesn’t matter if I choose “Order by LABEL or VALUE”, it is displaying the VALUE on front-end.

    And in ACF I have both value and label registered.

    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Add post IDs to returned results

    Hi Trevor and Ross, It’s been a while since I sent my question.

    Could you give me a direction?


    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Add post IDs to returned results

    Hi Ross, do you have a suggestion?


    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Add post IDs to returned results

    Ok, thank you Trevor.

    Waiting for Ross’s opinion.

    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Add post IDs to returned results

    Hi Trevor.

    I tryed using print_r and var_dump in functions.php but nothing is showing up on front-end. Like below:

    function filter_function_name( $args, $sfid ) {
    		//if search form ID = XX, the do something with this query
    		if ( $sfid == 2817 ) {
    		return $args;
    	add_filter( 'sf_edit_query_args', 'filter_function_name', 20, 200 );

    I tryed using var_dump($args['post__in']); in my custom page template and it returns NULL.

    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Edit Query Arguments and Pagination Problem

    Hi Ross,

    I just removed base and format parameters of paginate links function and it worked perfectly.

    Thanks for the support, Ross and Trevor!

    All the best 🙂

    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Edit Query Arguments and Pagination Problem

    Hi Ross!

    Thank you very much, I think we are very close to find the solution! Pagination now is working and filtering too, but separately.

    When filters are off, pagination works fine and adds ?sf_paged=2, ?sf_paged=3 to the end of URL. Like:


    When filters are on, pagination stops (stays on first page)… the pagination link is:


    I did a test and manually type the URL like:


    And worked!

    So do you have an idea of what I should do now?

    Thanks again!

    Senac São Paulo in reply to:
    Edit Query Arguments and Pagination Problem

    Unfortunately It’s impossible to give you admin access because it is running on an intranet server… But I could send you some screenshots of the plugin setup. Even the theme folder, if you think it’s necessary.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 14 total)