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Rob Ruifrok

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    Sort by count in taxonomy field not really sorted by count
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    Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    Sort by count in taxonomy field not really sorted by count
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    Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    Sort by count in taxonomy field not really sorted by count
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    Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    ACF-taxonomy field showing term ids not term names

    The devopment version seems to behave as expected.

    Thank you

    Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    ACF-taxonomy field showing term ids not term names

    I solved the problem using the ‘sf_input_object_pre’ filter:

    add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'pas_filterlabels_aan', 10, 2);
    	function pas_filterlabels_aan($input_object, $sfid) {
    		if($input_object['name'] == '_sfm_vakdomein') {
    			foreach($input_object['options'] as $option) {
    				$term_id = $option->value;
    				if ($option->value) {
    					$term = get_term_by('id', $term_id, 'cursussoort');
    					$term_label = $term->name;
    					$option->label = $term_label.' ('.$option->count.')';
    	return $input_object;	

    Replace ‘_sfm_vakdomein’ by your input object name (is shown in the query string) and ‘cursussoort’ by your taxonomy slug.

    Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    Error massage when setting a date field filter

    For me it’s resolved.
    It’s up to you if you can live with a php notice generated as described.

    Rob Ruifrok in reply to:
    Error massage when setting a date field filter

    Thank you for offering your help.

    Meanwhile I did setup everything as I wanted.
    Not seeing any results was probably due to me, making some error using the plugin for the first time.

    Regarding the error message. I can reproduce this on my local site with WP_DEBUG set to true.

    Search form is in a widget.
    Add a post_meta field.
    Use Date on a acf-date field(Date Input Format set to YYYYMMDD).
    Set input type to Date.

    Result:Error message in the widget(posts do show on the page, filter is functioning)

    When setting the input type to Date Range (which is what I wanted in the end) the error message disappears.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)