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Dave Hall

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  • Dave Hall in reply to:
    year dropdown

    I had this issue. I couldn’t find a solution here, so I created a very hacky javascript workaround that seems to work fine. Sharing it here in case anyone has a similar need to have a yearly dropdown and the developers don’t build it in.

    Here goes:

    1) Just after the filters in the theme template (index.php in my case) I have this:

    <li class=”moveme”>
    <select id=”years” class=”sf-input-select”>
    <option value=””>All Years</option>
    <?php wp_get_archives( array(
    ‘format’ => ‘option’,
    ‘type’ => ‘yearly’
    )); ?>

    This creates a dropdown with all the years for which posts exist, with All Years added at the top.

    2) On the back end of the S&F plugin I added a Post Date field, set to date range, and a submit button.

    3) In my css stylesheet I hid the Post Date field and the submit button:

    #primary > .moveme {
    display: none !important;

    I’m also hiding the .moveme element when it first loads.

    4) Using jQuery/javascript I move the dropdown into the S&F form (where it becomes visible) on page load. When an option is selected, it populates the hidden Post Date fields with 1st Jan-31st Dec for the chosen year and clicks ‘submit’. The years dropdown gets reset when the form is reset.

    $(document).ready( function() {

    $(‘#years’).change(function() {
    var selectedValue = $(this).val();
    if (selectedValue == ” ) {
    } else {
    $(‘.sf-datepicker’).eq(0).val( ’01/01/’ + selectedValue.substr(selectedValue.length-5, 4 ));
    $(‘.sf-datepicker’).eq(1).val( ’31/12/’ + selectedValue.substr(selectedValue.length-5, 4 ));
    $(‘.searchandfilter .sf-field-submit input’).click();

    $(‘.search-filter-reset’).click(function() {

    NB. You’ll have to switch the order of 31/12 if you’re using American dates.

    Obviously this is sub-optimal, but hey, it works.

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