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Johannes Otto-Lübker

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 71 through 74 (of 74 total)
  • Johannes Otto-Lübker in reply to:
    Link the Result Image

    works perfect!
    Thanks allot!

    I have one last question and also the last problem befor going live.

    I wan´t to display the taxonomies into my single download page (Post-page).
    I know that this is not you area of support, but maybe you could help me with one thing, because i need the right S&F PHP Information to set up the code, so i can input everything into my download template.

    The support team of Download Manager send me this code:

    function my_fetch_template($vars){
    //your code here
    $vars['tag-name'] = "tag value";
    $vars['new_tag'] = callback_function();
    return $vars;

    After including this code with the right paramteres, i should be able to use [tag-name] in my template editor (From WPDM) for the single download layout.

    One Taxonomie for example is called “versicherer” and its assigned to the Post Type ” wpmdpro”.

    Can you help me with that?


    Johannes Otto-Lübker in reply to:
    Link the Result Image

    ahhh.. forget t overwrite the old file.
    Now the link is working, but the URL is visible aove the picture.
    How to hide the url?

    Johannes Otto-Lübker in reply to:
    Link the Result Image

    Thanks for responce!

    I did created a folder in my chilt theme folder via FTP and copyed the result.php to that place.
    I also edit the code, but till now, it is not working.


    Johannes Otto-Lübker in reply to:
    CPT UI not found in "Textsearchline"

    Allready dound a solution using the Forum 😉

    Thanks allot!

Viewing 4 posts - 71 through 74 (of 74 total)