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Michael McElwee

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Select2 Multi-select Result CSS

    .searchandfilter .select2-container–default .select2-selection–multiple .select2-selection__choice {
    background-color: #F58634;
    border-radius: 0;

    Works perfectly – thanks = resolved

    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Select2 Multi-select Result CSS
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Missing Caching Tables

    Thanks. I changed the prefix to match but forgot to delete the underscore. Sorted

    Resolved. Thanks again

    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Missing Caching Tables


    I have run the commands through ARI Adminer and the tables have been created. System Status still not picking up the tables in the database section. I have recreated the search form and rebuilt the cache but I still get the Error and the same thing happens when I click to create them.

    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Chosen-container-multi CSS

    Resolved. Thanks Trevor

    Changed to Select2 – CSS problem disappeared

    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Multiselect Shows no results

    Got you! Resolved.

    OR applied in each field.
    Relationship between the fields AND

    Thanks again Trevor. Much Appreciated

    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Multiselect Shows no results

    Thanks Trevor

    Yes they are dependent or will be. The problem though with Auto is the moment you multiselect you get no results with the search operator set to AND

    I specifically need the search to be AND. This site will grow grow to have well over 1000 store entries which will be filtered by taxonomies with an AND relationship.

    ie. stores in Gauteng and Western Cape that are Adidas and Cross Trainer and Freestanding stores

    Michael McElwee in reply to:
    Multiselect Shows no results
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)