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Conor Ashcroft

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Conor Ashcroft in reply to:
    Conditional Taxonomy or some other way?

    Hi Trevor,

    I have now checked the Auto Count option (that was off). And Hide Empty is checked too.

    I guess what I’m trying to wrap my head around is i want a search form whereby the user first chooses the category of posts they want to view (in this case this category is a custom post type, Fishing, Hunting etc). Each of those custom post types have their own set of categories within then. So i want them to choose a custom post type, then in the next box it will show them automatically all the categories within that custom post type only so they can further drill down into the category structure.

    Right now we are able to choose the post type. Done. But when it comes to the taxonomy box, it requests that I choose which taxonomy for which i want the box for – in this case all of them but i only want to display the contents of that taxonomy after a custom post type is selected.

    I don’t know how best to explain this so i’ve done the best job i can. If you have any questions I will be glad to elaborate further.

    Conor Ashcroft in reply to:
    Filter Dropdown for Sub-categories of the current parent

    Yes please do mark as resolved.

    Conor Ashcroft in reply to:
    Filter Dropdown for Sub-categories of the current parent

    This was hugely helpful, Trevor, thank you very much for your time and advice.

    Conor Ashcroft in reply to:
    Filter Dropdown for Sub-categories of the current parent

    Hey Trevor,

    Thanks for taking the time to help me. It may be outside the terms of your support, but i would be hugely grateful for your knowledge and advice, you obviously know much more about this than I do.

    We do indeed have multiple parents with children. For example, our category structure looks like this:

    – Gear
    – Locations
    – Season

    – Gear
    – Species
    – Location

    Let’s say we go down the custom taxonomies route as suggested, are you saying that we can create a ‘hunting’ taxonomy, which can have it’s own separate list of categories under it (Gear, Locations, Season) etc?

    I just need to get this worked out in my head and i can then start implementing it. Right now I’m not totally clear on taxonomies and it having child cats.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)