Support Forums

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Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • KOSTAS KONTOS in reply to:
    Date Range

    Hi Ross, is there any progress with this feature?


    KOSTAS KONTOS in reply to:
    Date Range

    Ok, thanks Ross, I’m waiting for this feature.

    KOSTAS KONTOS in reply to:
    Events in more than one dates

    Hi Ross, thanks for the version 2.o

    I would like to ask you if is possible with the new version to do the following:

    The logic I want is:

    If start_date is between the selected start/end date OR end_date is between the selected start/end date then show the result.


    KOSTAS KONTOS in reply to:
    Events in more than one dates

    Yes I have different start/end dates with different custom fields.
    Is it possible with another way to do this?
    I would like to send me the next version of S&F to try it.


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)