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Scott L

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Scott L in reply to:
    Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0

    Please do. Also, can you confirm that it’s out of beta, and that my current form should be okay when I upgrade to v2.0


    Scott L in reply to:
    Moving to a new sever


    It worked fine.

    The site is here, check it out for yourself:
    I haven’t touched any settings, and confirmed – after reading this post – that everything imported correctly on the Arborist For Hire page.
    Basically, duplicator duplicates every single file on the site and paced it in another place.
    In my case I used a demo URL and switched it over when I moved the site.
    Everything works perfectly fine.

    Scott L in reply to:
    Moving to a new sever

    No problem Rupert.

    Glad I could help – I’ve been down that road before.

    NOTE: If you don’t use the same database username and password, you’ll likely have to go in to config.php and manually change them there in order for the site to go live. That’s the only issue I’ve ever had with this awesome plugin.

    If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

    Scott L in reply to:
    Moving to a new sever

    @ Rupert and Ross:

    I realize this may be of no help, but if by some chance the old site and files are still at the old server, it will be your answer. If the setting were very complicated, I would rvert back to the old server and use the plugin below to make the switch.

    I recently moved a very large site to a new server – from development to live status. I would highly recommend using the “Duplicator” plugin. That is what I used and I had no problems – everything, including settings, moved over perfectly. This is a very easy solution and it copy’s everything as it exists! I’ve been using it for a couple years now, and there are some very intuitive videos to walk you through the process.

    Here’s the Plugin
    Here’s the Developer site. Scroll down to the videos section if you have any doubts


    Scott L in reply to:
    Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0

    I would like version 2.0 as soon as it’s released.


    Scott L in reply to:
    SEO Page title and meta description for search results

    I too face the same dilemma. The search results page title (in the browser tab) is empty. Can you elaborate more on the wp-query.
    BTW: When is S&F 2.0 due to be released?


    Scott L in reply to:
    Default Site Search

    No, I’m not using Relevanssi.

    Disabling didn’t seem to make much of a difference. Either way, it’s not pulling up results for pages… I am using the “Category Tag Pages” plugin too.

    Do you need the site URL – will that help?

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)