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Maria Perretgentil

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 32 total)
  • Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    .chosen-container .chosen-results styling

    Hi there, so, with this change, now the form doesn’t auto update the selections on the other boxes. How can I fix that?

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    .chosen-container .chosen-results styling

    Sorry…yes, I do have cache….I flushed it just now though…sorry about that

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    .chosen-container .chosen-results styling

    Hi Trevor, that setting is now done. I’m ready for further instructions =)

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    .chosen-container .chosen-results styling
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    Post meta filter displaying value instead of label from custom field

    Hi Trevor,

    Thank you so much. I just did this and it worked!

    Is there anything else I should keep in mind for future plugin updates?

    Again, thank you so so much!

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    Post meta filter displaying value instead of label from custom field

    Ok will do… thanks so much.

    Another question, could I just upload the development plugin via FTP and just overwrite the current plugin, or do you think it’s best to do it directly on the CMS?

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    Post meta filter displaying value instead of label from custom field

    Hi Trevor,

    Do I need to replace the current files with the development files you just sent me? or do I install this in addition to the pro version I have?

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    Google map API integration

    Hi Trevor,

    You truly are amazing. That worked perfectly! Thank you SO SO SO much for all your help!

    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    Google map API integration

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks to your amazing help, I was able to also make something like this work with that maps plugin you mention above.

    Here’s the maps code I placed on the results.php page in my child theme (the ACF field for the map ID is called “hotel_map_id”):

    $map_sc_text='[wpgmza id=”5″ mashup=true mashup_ids=”‘;

    while ($query->have_posts())

    <h2>“><?php the_title(); ?></h2>

    <p><br /><?php the_excerpt(); ?> </p>
    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    echo ‘<p>’;
    echo ‘</p>’;
    <p><?php the_category(); ?></p>
    <p><?php the_tags(); ?></p>


    <hr />


    $map_sc_text.='” parent_id=”5″]’;


    However, even though the functionality is perfect, I now get this error (only on the search and results page, not the whole site):

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/wp-google-maps-pro/wp-google-maps-pro.php on line 3570.

    Did you by any chance come across this issue when you were doing this? If so, how did you fix it?

    Thank you so so much!


    Maria Perretgentil in reply to:
    Displaying results

    Hello there,

    I’m using a maps plugin ( that uses custom fields to store data. I guess the post type is portfolio entries (which I guess is a custom type, but I didn’t produce it). I’m actually not using acf_locations (I was playing around with it and forgot to remove it before sending you my last message).

    Does your plugin have hooks? If so, can you tell me where to find a list of them?

    Thanks so much,

Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 32 total)