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Klaus-Dieter Weber

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  • Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    WPML Slug issue
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    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    WPML Slug issue

    Hi Ross,

    any clou on that?

    Additional info: It is again the WPML Translation Management, which causes the error. As soon as I switch this plugin off, the search works fine. But sadly Woocommerce Multilingual does not work wihtout this plugin, so this is no option.

    This site is live, and my client not happy with these nasty error messages, so I would need a rather urgent solution…


    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    WPML Slug issue
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    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML

    Hi Ross,

    I’m afraid you are mistaken. I have WPML Multilingual CMS version, which is the latest version – I just re-checked now again to be sure. Also all other WPML modules are up-to-date.

    So sorry for your weeks of headache, but this is not the reason.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML

    Hi Ross,

    send you login info yesterday via email, hope you received it!


    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML

    Hi Ross,

    sadly it still does not work for me. I disabled WPML Translation Management for being able to “translate”, i.e. create new language version of the search form (is this normal that one has to setup a complete new copy of the form, or is already that not like it should be? It is in any case unusual).

    But in the final result only the content (of the dropdowns) is switching correctly, but neither the headings nor the “all items” labels – they are always taken from the original German version.

    No clou how Javier got this fixed, but for me it does not work.

    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML

    Ross, the minute after I wrote you the last email I figured out why it is still not working for me: It does not work with the “WPML Translation Management” plugin installed. With this up and running, only the title of the search form is identified as field for translation.

    I switched this module off now, and now I get a full duplicate of the form, that I can setup in English (German is my base language).

    So, this should be a workaround for me for the moment – I have to switch on WPML Translation Management again later, as it is needed for Woocommerce. Hope this does not break anything, I will let you know.

    It is a bit unusual though, that the form has to be setup from the scratch again in the second language, rather than just translated. However, if it finally works like that, it is fine for me…

    Thanks for the moment!

    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML
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    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML

    Hi Ross,

    sorry for jumping in again instead of Javier – if you prefer, I can open a seperate thread, but my issue is exactly the same.

    I followed your description, however this does not change a lot. After setting this checkbox there is now “search form” to choose under “type” in the translation management – so far, so good! But the only thing that can be translated here is the title of the form – nothing else!

    I checked everywhere, under “string translations” there is “plugin: search filter pro” to be found, but also here only some terms of the plugin itself, no trace of the needed phrases as described above. I also tried using “all contexts” and entering one of the phrases that I used as term under “search for” – no success.

    So, could you either please guide us also the rest of the way (or Javier, in case he was successfull?) or check again if it is really clear between you and the guys from WPML what exactly has to be translated?

    My project has to go life now in one week, and I need a solution for that.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber in reply to:
    Translate "Submit" button using WPML

    Attaching myself here, as this is also on my todo-list… (beside the other open topic with the exact match search for meta data… ) 😉

    Currently I do not see how it works with WPML. The only strings that can be found in WPML are “next”, “previous” and “error”. I do not see a way how to translate all labels/headings, and the text for the search button.

    As far as I understand WPML logic, I think it would need to be via the translation management, not string translations. For Gravity Forms a separate “glue” plugin exists, showing it as separate type under WPML translation management. Like that you can select forms, and forward them to translation.

    Somewhow I fear that it would have to be similar with S&F, as it is actually also creating something like forms…?

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