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Christopher Bessler

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 28 total)
  • Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    I feel like I’m getting close here. I switched the results page to a custom archive. I also enabled “Choose which kinds of pages S&F will try to do this on” for Categories & Tax Archives. I can live with the dropdown being on the page as long as it is selecting the current category. Now the problem I am running into is that when I try to filter by both “Member Category” and “Member Regions” (both tax), it filters all posts, but if I filter by just a “Member Category” and a search term, it works. Any suggestions?

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    Hello again Ross,
    this appears to work if there were only one results page, but each category is it’s own results page. What is the best way to do this?

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    Hi Ross,
    my display method is “shortcode” . My results shortcode is added in the template like this <?php echo do_shortcode( '[searchandfilter id="3906" show="results"]' ); ?>

    I have turned off displaying results with Ajax and I now receive no my standard search.php page with no results found.

    With Ajax on and “Update the Search Form on user interaction” turned off, the search works with the category criteria as long as a term is entered in the search field. If a category is selected without a term in the search field, it shows everything in that category without filtering via the “Hotels & Motels” .

    Let me know if I need to clarify any of this.


    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    Kind of interesting discover on this today. Using as an example. once I’ve made a selection from my dropdown (we’ll use British Columbia) and submit, the search clears the results and displays all members (nothing new), but when I select “next” in the pagination, it remembers my search criteria and reapplies hotels and motels to it.

    I also tried using single_cat_title("", false); as an alternative to get_queried_object , but that made no difference.

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Types 1.9 Breaks S&F Admin

    Thanks Ross.

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Types 1.9 Breaks S&F Admin

    Hi Ross,
    here is what debug gives me:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare recurse() (previously declared in /var/www/vhosts/ in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 54

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Types 1.9 Breaks S&F Admin

    Hi Ross,
    I’ll see what I can debug out of this.

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    Hi Ross,
    have you made any progress with a local demo?

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    I am very interested in your findings. Please keep me in the loop on this as this could make S&F far more useful.

    Christopher Bessler in reply to:
    Filter Query Args

    Hi Ross,
    curious if you got a chance to look into that last question.


Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 28 total)