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Eamonn Keenan

Forum Replies Created

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  • Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    I need to manually rebuild my Cache each time a new download is added

    Thanks Trevor, I’ll give it a go and see it if works.

    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    I need to manually rebuild my Cache each time a new download is added

    Hi Trevor.

    I’m not running any script to add each download. Instead, my vendors are adding their own downloads via Frontend Submissions.

    Is there a way that I can set up the Cache to rebuild the cache every hour? Or perhaps each time the search is loaded?


    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Search & Filter Pro failing to work for me

    Hi Ross.

    I have added this code to my Marketify.js file but it’s not having the desired effect. You can see on the site how the nice layout still isn’t happening after a search is performed. My js code is below. Am I doing something wrong?

    var Marketify = {};
    Marketify.App = ( function($) {
    	"use strict";
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		var grid;
    		$(el).find($('.edd_download.content-grid-download')).attr('style', '');
    		grid = document.querySelector(el);
      function menuToggle() {
    		$( '.js-toggle-nav-menu--primary' ).click(function(e) {
    			$( '.nav-menu--primary' ).toggleClass( 'active' );
    	function menuSearch() {
    		$( '.js-toggle-search' ).click(function(e) {
    			$( '.search-form-overlay' ).toggleClass( 'active' );
    	function footerHeight() {
    		var checks = $( '.site-info, .footer-widget-areas' );
    		checks.each(function() {
    			var min      = 0;
    			var children = $(this).children();
    			children.each(function() {
    				if ( $(this).outerHeight() > min )
    					min = $(this).outerHeight();
    			if ( $(window).width() < 978 )
    				children.css( 'height', 'auto' );
    				children.css( 'height', min );
    	function soliloquySliders() {
    		if ( $(window).width() < 500 ) {
    			var sliders = $( '.soliloquy' );
    			$.each(sliders, function() {
    				var image = $(this).find( 'img' ),
    				    src   = image.prop( 'src' );
    				console.log( src );
    					.find( 'li' )
    						'height'           : $(window).outerHeight(),
    						'background-image' : 'url(' + src + ')',
    						'background-size'  : 'cover'
      function initVideos() {
        var video = $( '.header-outer .wp-video video' ).get(0);
        if ( typeof video === 'undefined' ) {
        var vide = $( '.header-outer .wp-video' ).vide();
        function adjustHeight() {
          if ( $(window).width() < 768 ) {
            $( video ).hide();
          } else {
            $( video ).show();
        $(window).resize(function() {
    	function initPurchaseForms() {
    		$( '.buy-now.popup-trigger' ).on( 'click', function(e) {
    			$button = $(this);
    			$form = $;
    				items : {
    					src : '#marketify-price-options-popup',
    					fixedContentPos: false,
    					fixedBgPos: false,
    					overflowY: 'scroll'
    				callbacks: {
    					beforeOpen: function() {
    						$clone = $form.clone();
    						$( '#marketify-price-options' ).html( $clone );
    	function initSectionTitles() {
    		$( '.edd-slg-login-wrapper' ).each(function() {
    			var link  = $(this).find( 'a' );
    			var title = link.attr( 'title' );
    			link.html(title).prepend( '<span></span' );
    		// section title shims
    		$( '.edd_form fieldset > span legend' ).unwrap();
    		var shims = [
    			$( '.gform_title' ),
    			$( '.fes-form h1' ),
    			$( '.fes-headers' ),
    			$( '.edd_form *:not(span) > legend' ),
    			$( '.pm-section-title' ),
    			$( '.edd-reviews-title' ),
    			$( '.edd-reviews-heading' ),
    			$( '.edd-reviews-vendor-feedback-item h4' ),
    			$( '.edd-csau-products h2' ),
    			$( '#edd_checkout_user_info legend' )
    		$.each(shims, function() {
    			if ( 0 === $(this).find( 'span' ).length ) {
    				$(this).wrapInner( '<span></span>' );
    		$('body').on('click.eddwlOpenModal', '.edd-add-to-wish-list', function (e) {
    			$( '#edd-wl-modal-label' ).wrapInner( '<span></span>' );
    	return {
    		init : function() {
    			$(window).resize(function() {
    			$(document).on( 'click', '.popup-trigger', function(e) {
    					items : {
    						src : $(this).attr( 'href' ),
    						fixedContentPos: false,
    						fixedBgPos: false,
    						overflowY: 'scroll'
    			$( 'body' ).on( 'edd_gateway_loaded', function() {
    			$( '.edd_download.content-grid-download' ).attr( 'style', '' );
          // sorting widget
    			$( '.download-sorting input, .download-sorting select' ).change(function(){
    				$(this).closest( 'form' ).submit();
    			$( '.download-sorting span' ).click( function(e) {
    				$(this).prev().attr( 'checked', true );
    				$(this).closest( 'form' ).submit();
    			$( '.content-grid-download__entry-image' ).bind( 'ontouchstart', function(e) {
    				$(this).toggleClass( 'hover' );
    			$( '.individual-testimonial .avatar' ).wrap( '<div class="avatar-wrap"></div>' );
          function pagi() {
            $( '.edd_downloads_list' ).each(function() {
              var pagi = $(this).find( $( '#edd_download_pagination' ) );
              pagi.insertAfter( '.edd_downloads_list' );
          $( '.download-gallery__image' ).magnificPopup({
            delegate: 'a',
            type: 'image',
            gallery: {
              enabled: true,
              navigateByImgClick: true,
              preload: [0,1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image
    		popup : function( args ) {
    			return $ $.extend( args, {
    				type         : 'inline',
    				overflowY    : 'hidden',
    				removalDelay : 250
    			} ) );
    } )(jQuery);
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Search & Filter Pro failing to work for me

    Hi Ross,

    I come bearing gifts from Marketify. They are good guys like you and have been able to help me out.

    Their layout is found specifically in this file:
    You can call this to your Search Filter AJAX : recreateColumns

    Adding something similar like this will help reinitialize the grid after sorting:

    What do you think? Will it work?


    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Search & Filter Pro failing to work for me

    Hi Ross.

    Marketify have come back to me and said that “the files that help display the widget itself are the following: edd_templates/shortcode-content-image.php and edd_templates/shortcode-content-title.php. If you are looking for Javascript files, you can find them under the JS folder. In particular : marketify/js/app/marketify.js and marketify/js/widgets/featured-popular.js”.

    I’m not sure if they are saying that the grid layout code is within the .php files or if they are in the javascript files.

    I have had a look at the javascript files but I’m finding it difficult to make much sense of them. Would you like me to grab you any of these files?


    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Search & Filter Pro failing to work for me

    Cheers Ross.

    The #content solution didn’t work for me but your div solution did.

    It has created a display problem though whereby when the results of the search are shown, the gap between downloads disappears. The effect is a layout which isn’t as nice as when the user initially lands on the page. Any ideas what might be causing this?

    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Search & Filter Pro failing to work for me

    Thanks very much for the quick response Ross.

    I have set to min and max values to 0 and 50 respectively. This appears to have fixed the issue.

    I have also not been able to load my results using AJAX. Do you have any clues as to why this could be?

    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Almost there, struggling with last steps

    Hey Trevor. Probably no need for the call today as I discovered what the problem was last night after trying many combinations of the settings. It seems that the search form is not working when the AJAX setting is enabled. Once I disabled it the form began to behave as expected.

    It’s a little bit disappointing to be honest as the AJAX feature was one of the reasons I bought Search & Filter Pro. Have you come across this issue before and do you know of any solutions to resolve it?

    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Almost there, struggling with last steps

    Hi Trevor,

    I’d be able to show you everything over a good connection with video & mic tomorrow around 1pm? I could set up a webex invite for you to join. Would that work?

    Eamonn Keenan in reply to:
    Almost there, struggling with last steps

    The site hasn’t been launched yet as I’m still developing it but I’ll be able to put up some screenshots of both the site and setup for you tonight.

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