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NexTec Marketing

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  • NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Media Search Limit By Extension
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    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images

    I checked and we’re using the same template and images are still showing up. Any idea what else could be causing it?

    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images

    I spoke too soon 🙁 ! This solution worked for all of the forms with categories to select (blog page and research and learn page), but for any of the search bars (on blog page, research and learn, and also a flyout from magnifying glass in nav), they’re still showing images in the results.

    I’m super stumped! I believe these are using the same results pages, so I don’t know why it would show a different result!

    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images

    Awesome! I think it’s working! I’ve copied that same line to the other templates and it seems to be working. The commented out part wasn’t completed, so it was showing up still but I commented it all out with <!– –>. Thank You!

    One more question… do you know why after you click on some categories and hit the Search button, it briefly flashes an image or a page? It seems pretty random for what comes up each time, but we’d prefer it to not do this!

    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images

    Okay thanks, I’ll take it off for now.

    Also, I’m not sure if this helps, but if you want to test out if it works on the “Site Wide Searcher” search form it may be easier. To test it, you can just type in “nextec” in the search bar on the Research and Learn page ( and the first box on the top row right now is an image. I guess if you do what you do, and that image (or any other images) don’t show up, then it works! If there’s anything else I can supply to help make testing or trial and error work, let me know. Our client is getting super frustrated with this process.

    I tried the manual method for updating the plugin. It is still not letting me add the new url to my license in my account, but I’m not sure if that is an issue. Also, now, whenever I click a category on the Blog page or Research and learn page, it says Page not found (when there are posts/pages with that category) so I’m not sure what got messed up but those forms are now not working.

    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images
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    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images
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    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images

    Should I wait to update the plugin or do that now?

    I show that there’s now a weird dropdown box on the blog page between the buttons on top of the form… not sure what that’s for, and the form isn’t turning up any results when you select a category. No posts, pages or attachments.

    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images

    You’ll see that we have quite a few forms. We’re going to want to do this on all of them. We don’t want images showing in any search results.

    NexTec Marketing in reply to:
    Want search to include all attachments Except Images
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