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Sasha Maric

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  • Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Hi Travor

    Thank you once again.

    It works perfectly..


    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Sorry if I did not explain it properly 🙂

    Function is fine and works fine, but I just want to specify it only for the one search form and for that I have used if($sfid==1893)

    Form id from backend of plugin and in html is 1893. So I will only use this function for search form id 1893.

    Because I also have form id 1826, 1854, 1852, 1853 and 1851 and here I need to use other intervals.
    So I will create new function for each search form with different data-sf-form-id for different intervals.

    I have 5 search form on 5 different pages, so they are not on the same page .

    Hope it makes sense


    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Hi Trevor


    Can you just check if it is done correctly with form id if($sfid==1893)


    //Search & filters hook
    function update_range_field_mileage($input_object, $sfid)
    //make sure we affect the '_sfm_standby_power_esp_kvs_nr' field only
    //udpate this field before rendering
    //all the options are stored in $input_object['options'] as an array
    $new_options = array();
    //create a new "default" option
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "";
    $new_option->label = "kVA";
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);
    //create a new range option we want to add
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "10+50"; //this is the value that goes in the URL, which affects the query
    $new_option->label = "10 – 50"; //the label can be anything
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);//create a new range option we want to add
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "51+200"; //this is the value that goes in the URL, which affects the query
    $new_option->label = "51 – 200"; //the label can be anything
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "201+400"; //this is the value that goes in the URL, which affects the query
    $new_option->label = "201 – 400"; //the label can be anything
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "401+700"; //this is the value that goes in the URL, which affects the query
    $new_option->label = "401 – 700"; //the label can be anything
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "701+1500"; //this is the value that goes in the URL, which affects the query
    $new_option->label = "701 – 1500"; //the label can be anything
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);
    $new_option = new StdClass();
    $new_option->value = "1501+2500"; //this is the value that goes in the URL, which affects the query
    $new_option->label = "1501 – 2500"; //the label can be anything
    array_push($new_options, $new_option);
    //now replace the options with our own custom options:
    $input_object['options'] = $new_options;
    return $input_object;
    add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'update_range_field_mileage', 10, 2);
    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields
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    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields
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    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Hi Trevor

    That will be great.

    Just send me mail i am going to send invitation to. Is it 12 noon Danmark time or UK?


    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Hi Trevor


    I am unfortunately not that technical and have only tried your plugin 1-2 times, so I’m not quite sure what you mean. Sorry 🙂

    We have ACF field that start from 5 to 3550 and we must display custom posts according to the selected value. e.g 5 – 45 , 50 – 100 , 100 – 200 and so on, as a drop down.

    Here you can see how I got it set up, but when I do it as you recommended as solution 2, then nothing happens. it could be that I’m doing it completely wrong 🙂

    I recommend this plugin to my customer who needs a little help setting it up properly, so I do it for customer.


    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Hi Trevor

    Thank you. Great with video and audio and sound was perfect 🙂
    I’ve run into another problem.

    There is a filter that I need to make a copy of with you plugin pro, but I don’t know how I can make drupdown with multipel from – to values. This is the field called power and on our site is an ACF field with value from 5 to 3550. I need to line them up like here on this page where there are multiple selections from the same ACF field value.

    And the other field with 50 Hz and 60Hz are also ACF fields where there are products that fall under 50 or 60 Hz.



    Sasha Maric in reply to:
    Multipel Tags fields

    Hi Travor

    I’m going to wait for the video you’re going to make.


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