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Adrienne Hiles

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.

    An easy solution would be to set an exclusion on the form to exclude english, but it doesn’t work which is what is puzzling me.

    I’ve set up the exclusion rule for filter 5913, which is the filter in question, so you can see.

    Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.

    I’ve unlinked the two search forms, but it is impossible to not have this post type be translated. The checkbox in Polylang settings is greyed out so i cannot deactivate it. So I don’t know if there is something I can do from a code perspective here.

    For context, I am the site co-developer speaking on behalf of the client.

    The Event Language is the actual language that the event is taking place in. Some events have french speakers and some have english. Not all events are translated in both languages because only some might be of interest to francophones even though they are in English. I’ve confirmed with client that this is the correct behaviour.

    Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.

    The post is listed as English with the check and has a plus for French to indicate there is no translation and one can be added. All of its taxonomies, custom fields, title/slug and other translatable content attached to the post is set in English and shows up in English when viewing on the French side and within the post editor.

    Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.

    The posts are not translated because they should only be appearing in English and the events are not available in French.

    The form is translated (set to French) as well as all the taxonomies.

    I would say yes, since there are English posts not linked to any French ones and those are the ones that are showing up on the French side.

    Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.

    Polylang Pro

    Adrienne Hiles in reply to:
    English and French posts show on French results page.

    correction**same effect of showing English

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)