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Paul Impellizeri

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Paul Impellizeri in reply to:
    Filter By Tags

    Hey Trevor, the meta value came up! I think I can take it from here.

    Paul Impellizeri in reply to:
    Filter By Tags
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Paul Impellizeri in reply to:
    Filter By Tags

    Thanks Trevor,
    The problem I’m having now with True and False is that it doesn’t show in the dropdown for “Choose Meta Key” in Search and Filter settings. The Meta Value will show if I change the acf to something like number or text.

    Paul Impellizeri in reply to:
    Filter By Tags

    Thanks so much Trevor. That’s very helpful. As an example of your last point, if I set up a custom field with true and false (true = featured, false = not featured), All posts must either have a value of true or false or else it will not show at all in those search results. Is that correct?

    Paul Impellizeri in reply to:
    Show results with pages before posts

    Thanks for the response Trevor!
    The big issue is that blog posts containing the term or cpts are showing before pages. In most cases pages would provide more value to someone searching (ex. a service page regarding the search term)

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