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Gordon McAlpin

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Scrollbars missing in combobox on iPad

    That’s awesome! I will update my site and see how it goes when I have some time. It could be a while, but… well, you know. Life happens. (It was my MFA thesis project, which is now finished, but I’d like to keep the site up to date and working when I can.)

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Scrollbars missing in combobox on iPad
    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Scrollbars missing in combobox on iPad

    Sorry for the double-post.

    It appears the “0 items” text appears on iPad, too, if you use a NON-combobox multi-select.

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Scrollbars missing in combobox on iPad

    The same issues appear in the Chosen demos, yes, in both Chrome and Safari.

    I just noticed this, as well, which I have a feeling is related, because on iPhone the comboboxes also default to saying “0 items” — in Search and Filter Pro and in the Chosen demo — rather than the correct default text. This might be because on the iPhone the appearance box is overridden and displayed as an iOS picker?

    But what’s different is that on iPhone — but not iPad or desktop — when I use a combobox, it very quickly automatically selects whatever option it’s on. Usually this is the top choice, but you have a split-second where you can slide it down and it will “choose” something else for you. Either way, it’s not very usable. (I have the auto-submit form checkbox selected in Search and Filter Pro’s settings).

    Since it’s probably Chosen.JS’s fault, I suppose you probably can’t fix it (easily, at least), but I absolutely love the comboboxes on my desktop site! Could Search & Filter Pro add a setting so that you use comboboxes on desktops and standard dropdowns on mobile (or is there a way to do this with CSS)?

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Hierarchical levels not always displaying at the correct level

    🙂 No worries. But yes, that looks like the common thread!

    You can see in the images above how 1927 displays at the wrong level in Search and Filter Pro (the bottom image), and in the top image (with just the category list), that has three levels (1920s / 1927 / and the various months that have results).

    It also looks like it’s the SIXTH item that breaks, although maybe this is a coincidence. But in his post, the first one that displays at the wrong level is Greece (the sixth sub-category of Europe); in mine, 1927 is the first one that displays at the wrong level, and it is the sixth sub-category of 1920s.

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Hierarchical levels not always displaying at the correct level

    Sorry, I’ve been swamped with another project lately.

    I think you might have posted the wrong link? You just posted a link to this thread.

    I just tried the category_list, by the way:

    Category List
    Search and Filter Pro

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Hierarchical showing categories at wrong level

    I am on S&F version 2.0.3 and having this same issue:

    If you look at the Filter By Date Tags combobox on this page — you can see that 1927, 1928, and 1929 are displayed at the top level, when they should be under 1920s (you can see that the count includes them), and 1934–1938 should be under 1930s, as well.

    What’s weird is that SOME of the sub-categories do appear at correct level of indentation.

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Breaking the form into multiple fieldsets

    Shortcodes sounds like a good solution for the form wrappers.

    Being able to declare an existing form ID when making a “new” form (in a dropdown?) could make those forms export as fieldsets (perhaps “form ID_a”, “form ID_b”) instead of as a compete form.

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Selecting multiple fields to filter

    I’d like to bump this and request that this is updated sooner rather than later.

    I’m using Advanced Custom Fields and have a repeater field set to indicate locations associated with a post (places where the events in the post took place); some posts have more than one location associated with them, like Minneapolis and Saint Paul.

    The way ACF stores things like that is in multiple different Meta Keys: location_0_name, location_1_name, etc. So if I set up a Post Meta field for location_0_name, Search & Filter does not return a result for a query that matched location_1_name.

    Or is there another way to achieve this?

    Gordon McAlpin in reply to:
    Search & Filter Pro stopped working after optimizing database

    Ignore this. Something else had gotten messed up. Everything works, after all!

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)