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Alex Lash

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  • Alex Lash in reply to:
    Checked input, Ajax

    Hi Ross,

    Right, well, that’s what I would have expected as well. Oddly enough, the checkboxes ARE getting the “checked” property, but it’s only on page reload. Not when I initially click on them. Before I added the jQuery to make this happen (and thanks for the tip, by the way), there was nothing that should have inhibited the “checked” attribute from being applied.

    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Update Search & Filter Pro

    Hi Dan,

    In my case, it’s a problem with my development environment. I can’t update WordPress through the CMS either, and for WordPress and all my plugins have to download the new files and manually replace them.


    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Custom Post Types with Search & Filter Pro

    A-ha, thanks for the info! I ended up hiding .type-posts in my CSS as a temporary solution (ick) so I’ll take a look at your suggestion instead! Thank you, as always!

    All the best,

    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Custom Post Types with Search & Filter Pro

    Just saw your answer to “Search result filtering”, and the fact that there cannot be WP_Query in my loop. Is there a way around this, so that I can display only my custom post type initially, and then also use Search & Filter Pro?

    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Update Search & Filter Pro
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    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Update Search & Filter Pro
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    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Update Search & Filter Pro
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    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Update Search & Filter Pro

    I’ve completed that step, but it’s still on version 1.1.8 and not showing me that I need an update. I’ve had permissions issues in the past with WordPress updates. Is there a a way I can get a download of the most recent plugin, so I can upload it via FTP?

    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Combobox not working in Safari (but working in Chrome, IE, Firefox)

    Alright, so last update… good news! Please excuse my explanation if it’s unclear at all, I’m a bit of a n00bie dev.

    The issue was occurring on a callback. The popstate was being called on Safari upon page reload, but not in Firefox or any other browser (surprisingly, Chrome wasn’t having an issue). By commenting out var $data_obj_get = $(data);, I stopped the code from re-adding the html (below)

    var $ajaxed_search_form_get = $data_obj_get.find('*[data-sf-form-id='+form_id+']');

    and as a result, initSearchForms(); was not being overridden by this bit of code. By calling initSearchForms(); again after the two lines of code above, and uncommenting var $data_obj_get = $(data);, the comboboxes were being created after the html purge and re-write.

    So all is well! Thanks!

    Alex Lash in reply to:
    Combobox not working in Safari (but working in Chrome, IE, Firefox)


    So I found the issue… and I’m not sure if that I did to “solve” it is legit. Under window.addEventListener("popstate", function(e), I was able to comment out // var $data_obj_get = $(data);, and now my comboboxes work in Safari… but I have no idea why it’s only messing up Safari, or why the data, which seems to be the html of the entire page, is being recreated at all.

    Am I creating less obvious but worse issues by commenting out that line? My page is remaining at .5 opacity if that’s any clue. Again, no other browsers appear to be affected at all.

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