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John Israel

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • John Israel in reply to:
    Image gallery

    Hi Trevor,
    Most of the answers are in private mode and I can’t see any instructions related to shortcode. Am I missing something?

    John Israel in reply to:
    Image gallery

    I’m comfortable using any third party gallery plugins too.

    John Israel in reply to:
    Image gallery

    Thank you so much Trevor for your prompt response.
    Yes I’m using shortcode display results method.
    they have image gallery short code (VC)
    Does it work?

    John Israel in reply to:
    Date field for post meta not working

    Hi Ross,
    Frankly I dont know JS to do this.
    1) On page load, detect current author
    2) find and set the author field using this author
    3) with css/js, hide the author field

    Can you please let me know if you can do it and that would be of huge help or direct me to forums where I can find help from.

    Or else can you please let me know the price if you do this part.
    Thanks again for all the great support on time!!!

    John Israel in reply to:
    Date field for post meta not working

    Thank you so much Ross. That did the trick.
    One last question.

    On this author page, theres a select list to select the current author (photographer in this case)
    Can we add a conditional statement to select current author (photographer) automatically and remove the “select a photographer” field.

    Thanks in advance.

    John Israel in reply to:
    Date field for post meta not working
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)