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Arek Zielinski

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)
  • Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Dynamic slider range

    Wait by bad. Its woring but its set only slider to those values. I need to update MAX and MIN values.

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Dynamic slider range

    I don’t know why but its not working 🙂
    Nothing happens when I pust this code and there is no errors in console

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Search Error Archive Page

    I tried and same problem still.

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Search Error Archive Page

    * I only get this error when I add category or tag field.

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Display post meta from search field.

    Yes. Still Nothing I don’t know why

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Display post meta from search field.

    The problem is that there is no php errors 🙂

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Get Date Range jQuery

    Great. Last thing. I’m trying to make validation if Date Field is empty (on home page).
    I was trying everything from .datepicker documentation like onSelect on onChange to check is “val” is not empty. But noting work.

    “val” attribute populating only after submit. Is there any chance to validate range date?.

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Get Date Range jQuery

    In this case after redirect second search form (on archive page) will remember inputs from 1st (home page) form?

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Get Date Range jQuery

    Great Thx. One more thing.
    I have Search box on my home page. when u click submit it redirect to page with archives (and is work fine). page with archives have same search&filter (and its work fine).

    But is there option to turn on “Auto submit form” only on page with archives?

    Arek Zielinski in reply to:
    Display post meta from search field.

    Website is actually offline.

    I just put in page template:
    //Get a single fields values using labels
    //replace 1526 with the ID of your search form
    global $searchandfilter;
    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(147)->current_query();
    echo $sf_current_query->get_field_string(“_sfm_xxx”);


    and Its echo nothing. I’m using ACF fileds

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 12 total)