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dann hanks

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 51 through 60 (of 67 total)
  • dann hanks in reply to:
    conditional select menu

    ah! yes – it would do!

    thanks Trevor!

    : )

    dann hanks in reply to:
    conditional select menu

    Hi Trevor, thanks for this… how would the county know which towns belong to it?

    dann hanks in reply to:
    excluding pages/ posts from search

    hi, dont worry, I found it!

    In the Search and filter options (per search form) it has a ‘Posts’ tab, you can put page IDs in here too.

    : )

    dann hanks in reply to:
    conditional search results

    Thanks for the Skype support Trevor! All sorted and running exactly the way I need it to.

    dann hanks in reply to:
    conditional search results

    Hi, I found a better code for triggering the jquery to kick in on the url so its working for 1, 11, 12 differently which is great.

    My only issue now is that I can’t execute php code within the jQuery which is why I wanted to do it on the search results page rather than through javascript. What I actually want to hide/show is featured posts dependant on the department searched for. It would be great if I can do this on the search reults template instead of achieving it through jQuery.

    : )


    dann hanks in reply to:
    conditional search results

    Hi Trevor, thanks for your reply, I am a little confused though – I’m finding hard to decypher the code from your link and apply it to my case…

    Would be my search string, this searches a particular ‘department’, I would like to show div based on this department.

    so my code would be somthing like:

    if url = ?sfid=132396&_sfm_department=14

    echo : “<div>welcome to department 14</div>”

    I have found a way to do this with jQuery, the only issue I have with this method though is it looks for a particular url so if I wanted to show for: ?sfid=132396&_sfm_department=1 dpartment 1’s div, it would also show for ?sfid=132396&_sfm_department=11, ?sfid=132396&_sfm_department=12 etc etc as it contains ?sfid=132396&_sfm_department=1

    dann hanks in reply to:
    including tags for search

    1 more question, on a no results page, in wordpress you can usually identify the no-searh-results body class, it doesnt do this for the search results page through search and filter.

    I am trying to get the body class if the search results are 0 so that I can hide the filter bar that I have on the right. If there are no search results, it just shows the headings for each searchable section (as in the settings I have told them to hide if 0).

    It would be handy to get a class so I can just hide the sidebar all together.

    : )

    dann hanks in reply to:
    including tags for search

    Hi, thanks, this seems to have done the trick!

    dann hanks in reply to:
    including tags for search

    Hi, sorry, a misunderstanding here…

    I have turned off search everything now, as it conflicted with the plugin, I just wanted to extend the search to look into tags exceprts etc, it seems its only searching titles and content at the moment.

    dann hanks in reply to:
    including tags for search

    Hi, I have added a plugin called search everything which extends the wordpress search to include all tags, exceprts etc when searching. This is working great in normal wordpress search but returning no results with this plugin (although showing numbers in the filter!).

    Help please!

Viewing 10 posts - 51 through 60 (of 67 total)