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Clarity Consultants

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  • Clarity Consultants in reply to:
    Prefill checkbox in Search Form

    Thanks for the response Trevor! That sounds like the correct way to do things! Unfortunately, I’m not very good at manipulating functions or functions.php. I have a solution that is working for now however! I created 3 S&F Search Forms. They are all identical except one aspect. The main search form used to show all results has no results filter on “Tags, Categories & Taxonomies”. It’s ID is “11107”. Then I copied that search form into two new forms. Each has a filter on tags/cat/tax, one for white papers, one for success stories. I did a search on the main form, then i grabbed the source code for the form with the pre-checked checkbox, one for white papers, one for success stories. I have 3 pages; 1) for all the results with original shortcodes for search and results page 2) one for white papers with actual source code for the search form prechecked for white papers, BUT returning the search results to the original results page (11107). I have the search results shortcode, however, filtered using this new form (ID 11173). 3) Success stories is the same as the white papers, but with source code forcing case studies to be pre-checked and the third search results shortcode limiting search results to just case studies.

    If you try the pages below, you can see it works pretty darn well. I have a custom page title and meta for each page. Each page displays the given or relevant results for the page title, but uses essentially the same form. And you can manipulate the search results to show anything you want despite the page you land on.

    Code to generate S&F search form on White Papers page;

    <form action="" method="post" class="searchandfilter" data-sf-form-id="11107" data-is-rtl="0" data-results-url="" data-ajax-url="" data-ajax-form-url="" data-use-history-api="1" data-template-loaded="0" data-lang-code="" data-ajax="1" data-ajax-target="#search-filter-results-11107" data-ajax-links-selector=".pagination a" data-update-ajax-url="1" data-only-results-ajax="1" data-scroll-to-pos="0" data-auto-update="1" data-auto-count="1" data-auto-count-refresh-mode="1" id="search-filter-form-11107" autocomplete="off">
        <li class="sf-field-search" data-sf-field-name="search" data-sf-field-type="search" data-sf-field-input-type="">
            <input placeholder="Search …" name="_sf_search[]" class="sf-input-text" type="text" value="" title="">
        <li class="sf-field-taxonomy-type" data-sf-field-name="_sft_type" data-sf-field-type="taxonomy" data-sf-field-input-type="checkbox">
          <ul data-operator="or" class="">
            <li class="sf-level-0 sf-item-114 sf-option-active" data-sf-count="68">
              <input class="sf-input-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="success-stories" name="_sft_type[]" checked="checked" id="sf-input-ebd832e0d6a9e4300219f4c687415a3d">
              <label class="sf-label-checkbox" for="sf-input-ebd832e0d6a9e4300219f4c687415a3d">Success Stories<span class="sf-count">(68)</span>
            <li class="sf-level-0 sf-item-116" data-sf-count="5">
              <input class="sf-input-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="white-papers" name="_sft_type[]" id="sf-input-49fad65047305ebd34213e379030f930">
              <label class="sf-label-checkbox" for="sf-input-49fad65047305ebd34213e379030f930">White Papers<span class="sf-count">(5)</span>
        <li class="sf-field-taxonomy-topic" data-sf-field-name="_sft_topic" data-sf-field-type="taxonomy" data-sf-field-input-type="checkbox">
          <ul data-operator="or" class="">
            <li class="sf-level-0 sf-item-115" data-sf-count="19">
              <input class="sf-input-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="creative" name="_sft_topic[]" id="sf-input-95f19173a3a36575c1412aa1c10ce689">
              <label class="sf-label-checkbox" for="sf-input-95f19173a3a36575c1412aa1c10ce689">Creative<span class="sf-count">(19)</span>
            <li class="sf-level-0 sf-item-98" data-sf-count="54">
              <input class="sf-input-checkbox" type="checkbox" value="learning-and-development" name="_sft_topic[]" id="sf-input-39454b662e503ddfb9047f0316858be1">
              <label class="sf-label-checkbox" for="sf-input-39454b662e503ddfb9047f0316858be1">Learning and Development<span class="sf-count">(54)</span>
        <li class="sf-field-submit" data-sf-field-name="submit" data-sf-field-type="submit" data-sf-field-input-type="">
          <input type="submit" name="_sf_submit" value="Submit">
        <li class="sf-field-reset" data-sf-field-name="reset" data-sf-field-type="reset" data-sf-field-input-type="link"><a href="#" class="search-filter-reset" data-search-form-id="11107">Reset</a>
    Clarity Consultants in reply to:
    Prefill checkbox in Search Form

    Thanks for the reply! That would work, but it would not be idea. If I limit the results to only include a specific tag/cat/tax using that function, than the search form becomes limited to only that value. Example, I just set my “type” to only include “white papers” on the main search page. Now only “White Papers” appears in the search results, and as a checkbox in the search form.

    The user will only be able to search for white papers, and will not be able to uncheck whitepapers to display all the results. So it accomplishes the job of allowing me to create separate pages for each “type” of CPT, but not idea from a UI standpoint as a user would have to go back to to display all the results.

    The ability to prefill a check box using a shortcode or some other programatic method on page would still be preferred and allow me to create separate pages, but preserve the same S&F Search Form for all 3 pages.

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