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Lars Faye

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Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 18 total)
  • Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    I would agree with that, but I’ve yet to find a situation where I couldn’t get FacetWP to do what I needed, whereas I’ve encountered multiple instances where S&F can’t do the job. It’s still a great plugin, but it’s getting left behind while the devs focus on their other projects like

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    I hate to say it, but I’ve long since made the switch to FacetWP. It basically does nearly the same thing, but has a lot more features and modules, including the Load More. I still have a lot of sites that I built with S&F prior that I can’t go back and retrofit, so I need to keep my license active, but that’s really the only reason I continue it. It’s borderline embarrassing when I have to tell a client that such an ubiquitous feature is not available and we’d need to convert it to a different framework entirely just to get a simple load more button.

    Yes, I’ve also been hearing the V3 promise for years. I think it’s just an excuse, personally. Why not version v2.5? This is clearly a highly requested feature, and I really fail to see how it would require an entire re-write of the plugin when infinite scroll works as intended.

    Anyway, to any other users that are looking for a plugin that does what S&F does but has Load More functionality, I would encourage you to look at FacetWP as an alternative. While both plugins have strengths and weaknesses, it’s hard to find a lot of reasons at this point to continue with S&F until there’s some real movement on these feature requests.

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    Ugh sorry for the duplicate post! 🤦‍♂️

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    Yes! I would love to be a part of the Pro beta!

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    Yes! I would love to be a part of the beta pro version!

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    Well, that’s great to hear! I do understand the undertaking, although from a consumer standpoint, it doesn’t SEEM like a huge add, whereas something like Custom Layouts, while super cool, doesn’t seem nearly as useful to as wide of an audience, you know what I mean?

    I’ve already had to deploy FacetWP on a few sites due to that one feature being a big deal breaker for the client.

    C’est la vie, though. Can’t please all the people, all of the time, eh?

    Super looking forward to V3 though, as I would still PREFER to use S&F, if I could.

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Trigger the infinite scroll through a “load more” button, not automatically

    Well, that’s frustrating. I found a thread from 2017 of you guys saying the same thing. Starting to feel like Trump’s health care plan, always “a few months away” 😜

    Maybe look at how factwp.. they’ve had it for years…

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Pagination Count is wrong when Filtered

    Cool…that worked. Was hoping to avoid a plugin, but, it works and it’s lightweight enough. Thanks!

    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Pagination Count is wrong when Filtered

    Here is the pagination script. I know you can’t debug my code, but wondering if anything pops out at you that would be incompatible with S&F, since this is the pagination function I use for all our sites:

    /* Numerical Pagination
    ========================================================= */
    function post_pagination( $pages = '', $range = 2 ) {
      $showitems = ( $range * 2 ) + 1;
      global $paged;
      if ( empty($paged) ) $paged = 1;
      if ( $pages == '' ) {
        global $wp_query;
        $pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
        if ( !$pages ) {
          $pages = 1;
      if ( 1 != $pages ) {
        if ( $paged > 2 && $paged > $range + 1 && $showitems < $pages ) 
          echo "<a class='first-link' href='" . get_pagenum_link(1) . "' title='Go to First Page'><<</a>";
        if ( $paged > 1 && $showitems < $pages ) 
          echo "<a class='prev-link' href='" . get_pagenum_link($paged - 1) . "' title='Go to Previous Page'><</a>";
        for ( $i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++ ) {
          if ( 1 != $pages && ( !($i >= $paged+$range + 1 || $i <= $paged - $range - 1) || $pages <= $showitems ) ) {
            echo ($paged == $i) ? "<span class='current'>{$i}</span>" : "<a href='" . get_pagenum_link($i) . "' class='inactive' title='Go to Page {$i}'>{$i}</a>";
        if ( $paged < $pages && $showitems < $pages ) 
          echo "<a class='next-link' href='" . get_pagenum_link($paged + 1) . "' title='Go to Next Page'>></a>";
        if ( $paged < $pages - 1 &&  $paged + $range - 1 < $pages && $showitems < $pages ) 
          echo "<a class='last-link' href='" . get_pagenum_link($pages) . "' title='Go to Last Page'>>></a>";
    Lars Faye in reply to:
    Pagination Count is wrong when Filtered

    Yes, that works fine (I already tested it). But the client wants numerical pagination.

    So, it isn’t that the pagination links don’t work, it’s that it’s always counting 55 pages of results, even after we filter, and those pages that don’t exist lead to a 404 page:

    E.g. this category should only have 5 pages:

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