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Ryan Nielson

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Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    Okay, I’ll give that a shot. It seems like it may work out well, I just have to make sure the template, style, and flow all work.

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    The search.php file uses the following:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php require(‘post-loop.php’); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    I don’t think it is an issue of updating the homepage, but BuddyPress uses the same query as search. So, as you pointed out, it might be because the homepage uses a query. I have no idea how to work around it though, aside from just using a different homepage, which has worked for me (no changes to search and filter, just changing my homepage). From the BuddyPress developers:

    “If you have a Buddypress page set as the home page then blog search is killed because search sends you to /?s=xxx and then is searches the component instead of listing blog posts.”

    Also, I think that the template that I was trying to use had a query because I placed the search and filter shortcode in the category and single page templates as well so that it could be activated from any page.

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    This is what it looks like when I revert to the free version of the plugin and use a non-BuddyPress homepage.

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    If I disable is_true, I get a blank index page.

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    I disabled free as advised. Can I delete the free version?

    Working on getting the pro version setup, but I’ve run into a couple snags.

    1. The display for the filter is stacked vertically instead of horizontally. When I use the free version I am able to get them to display horizontally, which is preferred because I am using the shortcode in page templates at the top of the screen and would like to minimize vertical space.

    2. The load results seems to fail. The dropdown menu shows that there are several encyclopedia post types available for each category, but when I run the query I get this blank screen. The free version used to load the results on a category page. I tried to

    These are my settings (I tried to disable custom templates and it didn’t work either):

    I’m using the following code in my template:

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[searchandfilter id=”1227766″]’); ?>

    I’ve also tried changing the template file to my encyclopedia category page archive, but that didn’t work: taxonomy-encyclopedia-category.php.

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    Yes I disabled the pro version as I said. It is still installed and validated on my WordPress, but it did not solve the issue and seemed more complicated than just using the short codes that come with the free version. The drag and drop GUI doesn’t work particularly well with custom post types and I have a lot of those. I use the filter by category feature, and not the search feature. The search feature allows you to select which post types to search, but there isn’t something like that for categories. You can manually select categories to include, but the GUI was mixing categories between various post types, so it was a hassle to figure out because I use several custom filters on my site and a separate filter for each post type. Is there a way to overcome this issue using the pro feature? If so, please let me know. I figured that providing you the pro shortcode would be worthless given that it is just a series of numbers.

    In any case, I already had the shortcodes setup and working perfectly using the free version, so I don’t think this is an issue of not configuring the shortcode correctly unless there is an option I’m unaware of. The problem is that when I set my homepage to use a BuddyPress page, the filters stop working for custom post types. According to the BuddyPress ticket I attached previously, this is due to a conflict between the query used for BuddyPress and WordPress searches. Do you know a away around this issue?

    Ryan Nielson in reply to:
    BuddyPress Integration Issues

    Apparently this is an issue where the Activity Stream page uses the same query as the search feature:

    They recommend the following:

    “As a temporary workaround, you can reconfigure your blog search to go to a blog archive page, rather than the home page URL.”

    I’m not sure how to do that with this plugin, any help?

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)