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Didier TURCK

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 11 total)
  • Didier TURCK in reply to:
    Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0

    Hi Ross,
    Would it be possible to receive the S&F Pro 2.0 ?
    Thank for your work.

    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "No results found" and price range not working

    Hi Ross,

    For 2/ it seems that the theme try to show the featured articles in the result page even if they do not match with the request. I work on this but then it do not concern S&F.

    For 1/ I understand that the number in bracket is from WP and not from S&F. But in a category I really have 3 articles and when I select this category (META) it returns “No results”.
    I have check in S&F config and I do not find any filter that would explain that.

    Any idea ?

    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field

    Hi Ross,

    Thank you for your help.
    We have followed these guidelines and after quite some work it works !

    Thanks again.

    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field

    Hi Ross,

    I found the following function, do you think it is helpful ?

    // search on custom fields
    function custom_search_groupby( $groupby ) {
    global $wpdb, $wp_query;

    if ( is_search() && isset( $_GET[‘s’] ) ) {
    $groupby = “$wpdb->posts.ID”;

    remove_filter( ‘posts_groupby’, ‘custom_search_groupby’ );

    return $groupby;

    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field


    I still have all the ads (filter on the meta doesn’t works).
    But I do not have any more a drop down menu used to order manually the results.

    More over I have an additional question :
    In the “display results” tab under template options do I have to tick “Use a custom template for results?” to make sure that the php file in “Enter the filename of the custom template:” is used ?

    When I tick this box with search.php the results are without any style.
    If I don’t the results are shown correctly. But The default php page must be search.php so I would have the same design in both case ?


    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field

    Hi Ross,

    Thanks a lot for your help.
    So as I understand the loop-ad_listing_sf.php is calling the function <?php allthemes_before_loop(); ?>.
    The part to be removed would probably be in this function, right ?

    Your plugin seems to be the best for my needs and I really want to make it works.
    Do you think then I have to look in the allthemes_before_loop function to modify it ?


    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field

    Hi Ross,

    Do you think you can help me on identifying the line to be removed from the code in loop-ad_listing_sf.php shown in my previous post ?
    For this moment I succeed in having the results with the good page design but there isn’t any filter based on the Taxonomy and Post Meta.

    Thank you.

    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field


    So at this time I have renamed the search.php to search-filter.php and change the line <?php get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘ad_listing’ ); ?> to <?php get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘ad_listing_sf’ ); ?>.
    Then I have duplicated loop-ad_listing.php and renamed it to loop-ad_listing_sf.php.

    So the filenames that you gave me were corrects.

    And as far as I have understand, now I have to modify the following content (I am not sure for the line to be removed) :

    * Main loop for displaying ads
    global $cp_options;

    <?php allthemes_before_loop(); ?>

    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>

    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <?php allthemes_before_post(); ?>

    <div class=”post-block-out <?php cp_display_style( ‘featured’ ); ?>”>

    <div class=”post-block”>

    <div class=”post-left”>

    <?php if ( $cp_options->ad_images ) cp_ad_loop_thumbnail(); ?>


    <div class=”<?php cp_display_style( array( ‘ad_images’, ‘ad_class’ ) ); ?>”>

    <?php allthemes_before_post_title(); ?>

    <h3>“><?php if ( mb_strlen( get_the_title() ) >= 75 ) echo mb_substr( get_the_title(), 0, 75 ).’…’; else the_title(); ?></h3>

    <div class=”clr”></div>

    <?php allthemes_after_post_title(); ?>

    <div class=”clr”></div>

    <?php allthemes_before_post_content(); ?>

    <p class=”post-desc”><?php echo cp_get_content_preview( 160 ); ?></p>

    <?php allthemes_after_post_content(); ?>

    <div class=”clr”></div>


    <div class=”clr”></div>

    </div><!– /post-block –>

    </div><!– /post-block-out –>

    <?php allthemes_after_post(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php allthemes_after_endwhile(); ?>

    <?php else: ?>

    <?php allthemes_loop_else(); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php allthemes_after_loop(); ?>

    <?php wp_reset_query(); ?>

    Didier TURCK in reply to:
    "AND" relationship between the different form field
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 11 total)