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Andrew Turner

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 51 through 60 (of 70 total)
  • Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Breadcrumb Navigation Issue

    ok I understand. I tried changing the Results container class to .woocommerce_with_sidebar so it includes the breadcrumb navigation.
    This seems to work when first clicking on a Product Category filter, it updates the Breadcrumb Navigation to just “Products” which is fine. However, when clicking on another Product Category or Brand the page doesnt get updated again.
    Any idea why this is happening?

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Breadcrumb Navigation Issue

    Any updates on this?

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    Thanks, my final code looks like below incase anyone else finds they need a similar solution, I had to change the opening and closing brackets after the select2 initilization to get it working:

    var $j = jQuery.noConflict();
    $j(document).ready(function() {
    	"use strict";
    	$j(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		console.log("ajax complete");
    		//so load your lightbox or JS scripts here again+
    		$j('.woocommerce-ordering select').select2({ //re-init select2
    		 	minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity
    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    I believe I now have it working. I changed the line from this:

    $j('.searchandfilter select').select2(); //re-init select2

    to this:

    $j('.woocommerce-ordering select').select2(); //re-init select2

    And it is successfully adding the select2 js to the drop-down!. However, how do I remove the extra search field it’s adding to the drop-down?.

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    It was because I was using the code in my child theme. When I add your alert code to the parent theme it displayed the alert message. So I then went ahead and added the previous code to the same file but it still doesnt work.

    The console outputs “ajax complete” which I presume it is meant to, if I click on the ajax complete message in the console it opens the js code I added to the file so it must be loading it correctly.

    To explain where I was adding it was originally in child-theme/js/custom_js.js, I then copied your alert code to parent-theme/js/custom_js.js and the alert message displayed, so I then copied the previous code to it.

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    Sorry for late reply. Tried the code but still no joy change unfortunately.

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    I have found how the theme is adding the select2 to the woocommerce sorting select:

    $j(document).ready(function() {
    	"use strict";
    <strong>function initSelect2() {
        $j('.woocommerce-ordering .orderby, #calc_shipping_country, #dropdown_product_cat').select2({
            minimumResultsForSearch: -1
        $j('.woocommerce-account .country_select').select2();</strong>

    I tried adding the search and filter select class .searchandfilter .sf-input-select into the function
    but unfortunately it didnt work.
    I feel this script is close to what I need but I dont know how to combine it with the script you started for me above.

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    All I see in console is errors about Google Map API. I’m really not experienced with javascript/ajax so am a bit lost here.

    Andrew Turner in reply to:
    Select2 Orderby Not displaying

    Any further assistance with this would be appreciated.

Viewing 10 posts - 51 through 60 (of 70 total)