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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Wrong values

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  • Edgard

    I ran caching several times. What I can say now is that the search results works great, just not the filters.

    Trevor Moderator

    That export import is likely to be what went wrong. The standard WordPress import Export plugin often gets the S&F plugin export wrong (and other things). The Duplicator plugin is a much better tool.


    I have no idea what went wrong, pages are fine, posts are fine, ACF is fine, also all the information from S&F result. Only this that is not fine is the form filter from S&F. I can update manually all the pages to make S&F work. It’s going to take me more than 2 hous, of course. But this cleary a bug in S&F. Altough I agree with you that this is not the best plugin to import and export values. So, let it be…


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