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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Wrong values

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  • Edgard

    Hi guys,

    I have made a migration of data from a WordPress site with S&F to another. Made a clean install with a new theme and exported/imported ACF values and S&F forms.

    Everything great, until I noticed that my Events page has the correct information (from ACF) like Event Neighborhood but, on S&F filter, its not showing all of them and when we select an existant neighbourhood, shows, in the result, events from the wrong neighbourhood. Like it’s cached wrong. I have tried to update cache.

    Any suggestion?



    I know the results are showing the right neighbourhood and the wrong one on the form field filter neighbourhood.

    Trevor Moderator

    Did you rebuild the cache?

    Also, some migration tools and most attempts at manual migration will fail to carry the forms over. Most times, re-making the form from new will resolve (not duplicating the form).


    I did rebuild, several times. I noticed the filters are bringing all information, althought I’m filtering cities on S&F setup. I have 1200 events on my site. It would be a pain to have to open and save each one of them… 🙁


    Sorry, I get what you’re saying. I’ll try to re-create forms. Thanks Trevor


    Nope, it only works if I open the event (the right values loaded right, in ACF) and save it, without changes. I just open, save, and it works.


    I also use a Theme called Ark. I dont know if this new theme affects S&F in some way.


    Yeah, this is happening to me… The values of the result are right… The filter form is wrong (probably the right ID, but wrong name).

    So, before I update the event:

    Form shows neighbourhood Y. On the result, Neighbourhood X event.

    After I open and save the event

    Form shows neighbourhood X. On the result, Neighbourhood X event.



    Trevor Moderator

    Could you tell me how it was migrated?


    Wordpress export > import


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