Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Wrap output

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  • Anonymous


    Been looking at the documentation, but don’t know enough php to really get what I’m looking at.

    I am looking to wrap the output so that i can style it with css. Is there a way to do this without being a php master?


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    Ah. I had thought (misunderstood) that you meant to alter the form, but it is the results in question.

    Does you theme have normal (unfiltered) page that looks like this? Let me know what the theme is and maybe give me a link to a page like the one you want.

    If so, as I see you have already edited the results.php file, you could further add the extra HTML to make that structure.


    Yes, it’s the results I need to fix. I have not edited the results.php file, what you saw is what is shown without any edits. But I think I will edit the results.php, because that looks like what I wanted.

    However, I have another question: I have set the search box to search pages that I have assigned to a category (another plugin lets me do that), but when I search, I don’t always get results even though I think there should be something there. Does it search for the title of the page or does it search for the name of the category or does it search both? For example: the page title is “Brooklyn” and the category assigned is “New York”, should I see something when searching for New York? Because I don’t.

    Basically what I want is to be able to search both page title and category. And when the search results are from hits on a category, I want all the pages assigned to that category to show up.

    Thanks again,



    I will take the second question last. You would need to add a second plugin to search as you want. The simplest one that I think will work is WP Extended Search, and you can set that up to search in whatever you want. If that does not work, then install the free Relevanssi plugin and set it up, see our documentation here:

    For editing the results.php file, see here:


    Thank you Trevor for your patience and help! 🙂



    Is this thread resolved Axel?


    Yes, thank you!

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