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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Wrap filter items in a div

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  • Katherine Harkness

    Hi, I’m trying to wrap <li> items in the filter in a div so I can easily apply an accordion to them. I’ve been using sf_input_object_pre to modify the prefix and postfix but they don’t seem to insert anything into the HTML – can someone confirm what these attributes do? And if they don’t insert any prefix or postfix, is there a way I can add HTML to the filter list?

    function filter_function_name($input_object, $sfid) {
    	if($input_object['type']!='checkbox') 	{
    		return $input_object;
    	foreach($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) {
    		if ($option->attributes['class']="sf-level-0") {
    		      $input_object['options'][$key]->prefix = '<div>';
                          $input_object['options'][$key]->postfix= '</div>';
    	return $input_object;
    add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'filter_function_name', 10, 2);
    Trevor Moderator

    At this version of the plugin, what you want is not supported, and would have to be done using a custom jQuery script. This will be addressed when we release V3 later this year.

    Katherine Harkness

    Thank you for your reply. Would my best bet be to insert custom classes using sf_input_object_pre then use jquery to insert html around them?

    Trevor Moderator

    If you need to add classes to the elements inside the <li> then that would be best. To add elements around the form elements you would need to use jquery.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Katherine.

    Ross, our developer, has offered to write some code to help you with this. I think what he proposes is to write code that would make the field heading an accordion title, if that is OK?

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