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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WPML Slug issue

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  • This topic has 13 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 14 total)
  • Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    sadly a new issue came up related to WPML – I will send you details for the website in another message. The search itself works, but after using it there are several error messages on the screen like that:

    Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty in …/wp-content/plugins/wpml-string-translation/inc/slug-translation.php on line 212

    I tried several options with Ajax on/off, custom template for results etc., but not luck.

    Help, please!

    Klaus-Dieter Weber
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    any clou on that?

    Additional info: It is again the WPML Translation Management, which causes the error. As soon as I switch this plugin off, the search works fine. But sadly Woocommerce Multilingual does not work wihtout this plugin, so this is no option.

    This site is live, and my client not happy with these nasty error messages, so I would need a rather urgent solution…


    Klaus-Dieter Weber
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus

    Can you explain what has happened recently in order to cause this issue when it was working before?

    I’m afraid this might not be a quick fix so you’ll likely need to roll back the site to a state before changes/updates were made in the interim.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,
    was this before or after my last message? We posted at same time… 😉

    Seems like WPML guys changed something with one of their latest updates.

    if ( ! empty( $sitepress_settings[ ‘posts_slug_translation’ ][ ‘types’ ][ $post_type ] ) ) {

    is causing the error in slug_translation.php…


    Ross Moderator

    Ahh our messages crossed!

    Ok thanks I’ll take a look – although it seems like that line of code doesn’t really have anything to do with S&F :/ I’ll probably need to contact them directly.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross, it has been some time… and I still have this problem. Could you figure out anything? Might it be solved with 2.0??


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Sorry to bother you again, but in the meanwhile this is really a HUGE problem! The website is live with new data, and actually cannot be used. S&F works only when I disable the WPML Translation Management plugin – but without it, the Woocommerce shop does not work properly! So at the moment I can only decide between a working shop without search, or a working search without shop… and my client is jumping, of course!

    Maybe a beta of 2.0 to try?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Klaus

    I’m afraid I really have no idea what the issue could be – I’ve setup so many installs since we last communicated and there is no issue with the plugins directly – so it must be something else in your setup.

    To test the theory – try creating a clean install and only install wpml + S&F pro – and see if the issues exist?

    There is a possibility however that 2.0 may fix some issues for you, as there is now integration with the WooCommerce shop directly.

    Shall I send over the beta to see if its working?

    I would recommend to backup though as its major version change.


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