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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro wpml does not work correctly

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Corrado Prever

    I have purchased your plugin and happy with it, it works fine but not with my custom taxonomy.

    I have 2 custom taxonomy, if i use them in the main language all is fine, if i use them in English it comes up with 0 result find.

    Trevor Moderator

    We are aware of the issue. WPML seem to have changed something in their plugin which has broken the search. We are working with the to resolve this.

    Corrado Prever

    Great Trevor… when will be fixed?
    Maybe it can help to know that it happen when rebuild the cache.

    If I rebuild the cache in Italian it reset the English taxonomy
    ( you will see 0 as count in the filter frontend )

    If I rebuild the cache in English it reset the Italian taxonomy
    ( you will see 0 as count in the filter frontend )

    Trevor Moderator

    Yes, we know that ;-), but thanks for sharing.

    Corrado Prever

    eventually there is an easy way to insert authors filter in the free version of the plugin (i’m using that one now) that works nice with wpml ?

    Corrado Prever

    Hi there, let me know asap when will be solved, thank you so much.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Corrado I’ve just sent you a new version which should have a fix, let me know how you get on.

    Upgrade procedure:

    1) Disable S&F via WP admin(do not delete)
    2) Via FTP delete and replace S&F from your plugins folder
    3) Enable S&F via WP admin


    Ross Moderator

    Closing this ticket as per our emails.


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