Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WPML Compatibility, problem filter permalink setting, error 404 not found


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  • Anonymous

    I found a solution that saves time to us.
    In this moment the filter have the style=”display:none”.
    For change “filter” you can use the main menu.
    I send at you a private mail thit the screenshot.

    I hope you youd the bug.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Andrea

    I took a look and can’t see the issue?

    If I remove the display:none;, and use the search form, it seems to work perfectly? I can use both the filters without issue.

    If possible, can you create a short video to illustrate your issue?



    I Ross,
    I clean my chronology/history of browser and all work correcty.
    Sorry and thanks for the support.
    I wish you a Happy Christmas.

    Ross Moderator


    Happy holidays 🙂

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