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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Wp Title not working

Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)
  • Trevor Moderator

    OK. That means that your theme does not use that hook. Back to the drawing board. I will use this then:

    add_filter('document_title_parts', 'search_form_title');
    function search_form_title($title){
     global $searchandfilter;
     if ( $searchandfilter->active_sfid() == 35889) {
       return 'Search Results';
     } else {
       return $title;
    Sara Torelli

    Good afternoon Trevor,

    Unfortunately this has no effect on the results page.
    The title of “Blog” remains.

    Do you have any other suggestions? I can see examples of other websites using this plugin that have a different title.

    If it is not possible to get your code working I don’t mind if I have to manually set the page title, just not sure where to do this.

    Kind regards,

    Trevor Moderator


    There must be something in your theme that is causing this, and that is something I cannot fix from here.

    Rai Uriarte

    Hi I fix this passing from archive to shortcode mode using a page template, in this way I create the page on the WP dashboard and I can manipulate the title with Yoast SEO plugin. Also, this has a detail, you need to cover the with a page the archive page name.

    For example, if the custom post type is event, then you need to create a page with that name and assign the page template that you create. Otherwise if someone gets there is going to find a generic archive page.


Viewing 4 posts - 11 through 14 (of 14 total)

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