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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WP 4.2.1 update affecting plugin

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  • Paul Burton


    A per our recent communications… a new post regarding the site

    I will add log in credentials and FTP access in the next post.

    Paul Burton
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Thanks Paul will try to take a look at this later on today.

    Paul Burton


    I have resolved this issue…

    I created two new search and filters as suggested in your round robin email but neither would work. So I changed from the Archive method to the Shortcode method and created new pages for the results to appear. This worked, so I have to assume my theme (X from Themco) is not using the standard loop coding.

    I am not happy with the way the results are displayed – in a list mode and I’d like to find a way to present the results in more of a grid – like you see in this page so if you can suggest a way I’d be happy to hear from you.

    My only other issue relates to the way the plugin updates…or in this case doesn’t. You will remember I was MANY versions behind because the site is not being advised of updates fro this plugin but other and the theme are. So I’d like to overcome this issue too – can you help on that?

    Paul Burton

    The client is also unhappy with the new search results. At the very least he wants the PRICE to appear in the titles or clearly visible alongside the text or title. And ideally results need to be sorted in price order….which so far I can’t seem to work out.

    Paul Burton

    What the client wants is the plugin to offer up results like this page does using Woo filters.

    And we used to get search & filter results looking very similar to this but not using the Woo filters.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Paul

    If you are using the shortcode method to display you must be comfortable with creating your own templates. The one that comes with S&F is basic and only used as an example.

    As we cannot individually help everyone build templates using this method requires knowledge/research of how to build different layouts – instructions for customising results when using shortcode are here:

    If you are using the archive method, then it is more likely we can use a template that exists within your theme – as you mentioned above – as long as it doesn’t overwrite S&F queries by including their own.

    Just to clarify, due to all these messages – was the site working fine before the updates? IE, did you have the layouts you wanted, and working as expected, but then the updates stopped the templates from working correctly?


    Paul Burton


    Yes, up until the WP4.2 update everything was working perfectly – however I was running a very old version of S&F (because the site is not getting update notifications at all – and I have checked that CURL is installed on the server).

    Pre WP4.2 I had two S&F forms and both used ‘Archive’ and dumped the results into #content and the products appeared in the normal WooCommerce way (image, title, price).

    Post WP4.2.1 neither form would work using archive or shortcode so I recreated them both. Archive wouldn’t work anymore so I had to switch to Shortcode but the resulting output is way to basic and unusable.

    I need to go back to the Archive style but I am guessing that something else has changed in the theme? So I am kind of stuck and would appreciate some pointers.

    In the mean time I will experiment further with shortcode/templates and see if I can get closer.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Paul

    The main thing I noticed was, when you goto the “display results” tab, there is a field to enter the filename of a template you want to use for displaying your results page.

    Now, usually as a basic test etc, I would put in something like search.php or archive.php and save.

    After saving the form, if you go back to “display results” and the filename entered is no longer there, then it means that S&F couldn’t find the template (I need to improve this so you actually see an error message instead of failing silently) – if the template has been found, then it will retain the filename.

    So, when I tried entering different templates filenames (included with most themes) it kept coming up blank after saving – which means S&F could not find any of the standard templates.

    Do you remember what the previous value for this was? I’m assuming you must have filled this in with the name of the template that you used to use?

    By any chance are you now using a child theme (and weren’t before)?


    Paul Burton


    The site is and always has used a child theme – as supplied with the X theme, called Icon.

    I honestly can’t remember how the pre WP4.2 forms were set up but I am 90% sure I didn’t set a template name. The results container was set to #content but I can’t see that in any page I view, so I am currently experimenting (see test_page and Test Quick Search). The nearest I got to the old results (but not near enough) is to use the woocommerce.php as the template.

    If you need FTP access so you can see how the X Theme and Icon child theme is structured let me know.

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