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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WordPress on AWS with 6-800 search filter capabilities

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  • Mark

    Hi Trevor, hope your narrow boat getaway happened well since we LAST talked.

    I have approval to proceed with development of the POC your search and filter pro could enable. I would intend to bump the dev site to AWS so I can involve more development assistance.

    First off: Can you provide me any experiences running WP SFP *well* in an AWS WordPress environment with several hundred products to search, ala Amazon-like experience? Of course we’d think caching and the correct theme that will allow *nice* cached pages (I’ve have had problems with that in the past)

    Thank sir, for your past and future assistance!


    Trevor Moderator

    A few hundred products? Not an issue. How many fields in the form, and how many terms?


    if we are talking taxonomies, about 50 possible.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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