Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WordPress & Elementor Update – Search & Filter Not Working

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  • Anonymous

    As stated in the title – since updating Elementor and WordPress to recent versions – our search & filter plugin is no longer filtering content as intended.

    Additionally, it looks like the display of results on our PROD server are not rendering correctly post filter: When filtering, the aspect ratio breaks.

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    Hey Trevor –

    The non-working issue on our dev site was user error (did not update the display results URL) – so no issue here.

    Regarding the broken image sizing (in conjunction with Elementor) however, is still an issue. I have a piece of CSS code to circumvent this

    .elementor-post__thumbnail__link {
    max-height: 200px;

    If this is removed via web-dev tools you can see the issue. It looks like on search an entire DIV and class is being removed in the process. If you refresh the search results they will load as intended. Strange, no?


    Did you originally have this working using a different method, which involved adding some JavaScript to the page and using an additional shortcode (action=filter_next_query)? And, if so, are those now removed?

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