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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WordPress 4.2

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  • Ross Moderator

    It has been brought to my attention that S&F wasn’t compatible with WP 4.2.

    There are some changes to the way taxonomies and terms work, however I think most people will be unaffected.

    There does appear to be another more unusual problem – the various field elements aren’t showing.

    This is seeming very random, but it seems you can’t pass a “name” var to – which is used to display all the different fields relating to tags, categories and taxonomies.

    I’ve just pushed a fix for this and it should be available in the usual way – via your account / the WordPress plugins page.

    UPDATE: There appears to be some repercussions from this update as it was rushed out – my initial analysis of this is that it is related to certain field types, which ends up throwing a JS error – or a malformed search query – as far as I can tell so far – its multiselects that are causing issues – if you are having problems as a temporary workaround try changing the field of the field(s) that are not working correctly.

    In addition to this tag, category and taxonomy inclusion/exclusion seems to have broken too.

    UPDATE2 : Version 1.4.3 has been released which should solve the above problems.


    Paul Burton
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    Paul Burton
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    Paul Burton
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    Paul Burton
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    Paul Burton
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    Ross Moderator

    Hi Paul

    It sounds like what’s happened is you’ve upgraded from quite an old version and this has potentially caused problems.

    Under ‘display results’ try changing the display method, saving, and change to your intended method again.

    There are a few new options in the plugin which you’ll have configure.

    To answrt the question RE updates, I’m not sure why this would happen, if CURL is not enabled then this can cause problems, and if your not actived properly also this will prevent you seeing updates, but you are free to redownload from your account which will always supply the latest version.

    Unfortunately Im out of the country now so won’t be able to assist much further until next week.

    If you cant get the latest version working, I hope you made a backup upgrading WordPress that you can revert to in the interim.


    Paul Burton
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    Mark Lockitt
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    Mark Lockitt
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