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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WooCommerce+WPML


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 24 total)
  • Natty Srls


    I was using your plugin to search WC products and it was working fine until I installed WPML.
    Default language is IT, second language is EN.
    I have create a searchform form also for the EN version, the code I am using is

    if (ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE =='it') { $formcode = 4761; } 	
    elseif (ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE =='en') { $formcode = 5427; }
    if ( is_shop() || is_product_category() ) { echo do_shortcode( '[searchandfilter id="'.$formcode.'"]' ); }
    if ( is_shop() ) { do_action("search_filter_query_posts", $formcode); }  

    The shop has 14 products with size variations, and if in the IT version works fine (I see 14 items), in the EN shows all the variations.
    If I disable Search & Filter Pro then it works fine again.

    Please help me to solve this problem.

    Thank you.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Natty Srls
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    Trevor Moderator
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    Natty Srls

    I am using the code as described in my first post, in the theme’s woocommerce.php page.
    And it worked just fine in the IT version.
    Do you need a FTP account as well?

    Trevor Moderator

    Can I try and make a simple test form and page (one of each for each language) that doesn’t use your templates?

    Natty Srls

    Sure, this installation is just for testing, and it’s a clone of the main site.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Natty Srls
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Natty Srls
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