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Forums Forums General WooCommerce Store Not Displaying Properly

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  • Jerry Kramer

    Hi, I just launched a site ( and am wondering why all variations are displaying instead of just the overall variable product. We’re using a third part inventory system that syncs with skus etc. so not sure if that’s it?

    I’ve cloned the site in a staging environment (not associated to third party) and it works great:

    Please advise,
    Thank you,

    Trevor Moderator


    A number of issues are possible. Our cache only updates when the WordPress post editor update button is pressed. It does not update if posts are imported/synced. These import plugins act in bulk, but actually work one record/post at a time (in a loop) and so we have an action you can add to their code to simulate the update button press:

    Update Cache for a Particular Post

    I think this is the most likely cause, if that sounds right to you?

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