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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce sort order not working with plugin active

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus

    I took a look.

    Can you add in a “submit” button to your form?

    Also, I cannot see the JS from S&F in your source code, did you change a setting?

    Check settings->lazyload js – and make sure it is disabled.

    Regarding the sorting.

    Ok, so, the ordering box you have on that page is not from WooCommerce. This is why it doesn’t work.

    WooCommerce has its own “ordering” field, which it places at the top of every shop, and this paramater, when you perform a search in the URL is orderby, yours is product_order.

    We will not support custom form elements from 3rd parties integrating with S&F – the only fields we support out of S&F are actually the woocommerce ones..

    Anyway let me know when you’ve done the above.


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    I stepped back to the former version inbetween, now search is working again, also without submit button!

    No idea what happened to the JS, I did not do anything beside updating the plugin via ftp…

    Regarding sorting: This is a pity, as it was working before in an older version. Of course I can contact the guys from Enfold, but I assume the will state in similar way – we cannot support if a 3rd party plugin breaks the functionality.

    But I tell you something crazy now: I was now switching for a second to twenty fifteen theme – sorting worked, and now back to Enfold. And guess what, now sorting works also with Enfold!! What the hell…!?

    Any idea regarding the size of the combobox? It must be some kind of CSS issue, but why/where?

    Thanks a lot!

    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    OK, now it is getting really confusing: Sorting works, but only in the browser that I used now all the time. Using a different browser on the same machine, or on another machine, it’s not working.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Klaus so strange!

    Yes there looks like a CSS issue, I am working on that now.

    Once done, you will only need to replace the CSS file if you do not wish to deactivate / reactivate all over again.

    As a side note, in an upcoming version, we will allow our fields to be placed anywhere on the page using shortcodes, this means you can get rid of the dropdowns from your theme and replace them with S&F dropdowns 🙂

    Anyway, will update soon.


    Ross Moderator

    Just sent you the CSS fix


    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    No good day today. Changed the CSS, deleted the cache, used different browser (that never opened that page before) – no change…

    Ross Moderator

    Oops my fault, I updated anotehr file I forgot about which was essential.

    I’ve sent it to you, please upload and let me know.


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