Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce Product Category Search

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  • Anonymous

    Ok nice, please keep me updated ๐Ÿ™‚ if you can. as the way i was thinking of doing it.

    Little off topic but as you know Woocommerce, do you know if you can setup something With Woocommerce Memberships / Groups / Subscriptions.

    People select the Membershio say “Newborn” it shows them the products for newborn they add them to the “CART” and what ever the price of the Membership is, thats what they pay?

    As then this way would be better as can work from anywhere then.



    I think there are membership plugins for woocommerce that you would need to use? I am not sure if there is any mechanism for me to inform you when the WC support is extended, other than you keeping an eye on the blog. Is their a subscription list?


    Ok, and yes we have a subscription list basically client has this:

    Newborn products ands allowing them to buy minimum 15 maximum 15 in 1 order. but that will be a subscription.

    So they select there 15 items for newborn then checkout and if price of subscription is ยฃ32 thats why they pay. But i wanted it really to work with single product so you add, add n add lol instead of using mix and match as its not versatile it would of been if there was a tick box for inside mix and match options where you say “Tick this box to make it a mix and match item.

    So then, you can use it where ever on the site instead of just inside Single Product Layout.



    Mmmm. Way beyond my skills with WC ๐Ÿ™


    Ok. So your search and filter, only works on Shop page at present?


    At this time, that is correct.


    Aww thats a shame ๐Ÿ™ is there anychance in a refund, as my site used single product pages not Shop page for the whole site – just the way it has been setup.



    I have asked Ross to answer that question.


    Thanks, Trevor.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Aaron

    Just trying to get my head around the issue, as I’m thinking there may not be one… ๐Ÿ™‚

    So, S&F can be used to search for any post type in your website, in this case products. It can be used with the woocommerce shop page, or you can create your own custom search results pages using the other display methods…

    Regardless of display method, the search forms themselves can be placed anywhere in your site. S&f works with products & variations.

    Now that’s all said, can you explain exactly whats not working with S&F?

    I’m away for a few days so may not personally be able to respond until after the weekend.


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