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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Woocommerce price filter

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 20 total)
  • Steve Ballard
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    Trevor Moderator

    Is the field product-category in the form? It MUST be, even if you use CSS to hide it (display: none;)

    Steve Ballard

    Sorry, I don’t understand – how do you get the product-category in the form?

    Just to clarify again (in case we’re at a different understanding) I never had this issue with the previous version of the plugin – this has come about since installing the beta one.

    Trevor Moderator

    Add another taxonomy field to the form, and choose product category. If you don’t want it showing, you than use CSS to hide it. at least, I think that is the issue.

    Steve Ballard

    Okay I’ve added in the taxonomy field but now the filters aren’t working at all.

    Trevor Moderator

    Most odd. I need to have a much deeper dig into what is going on. Probably tomorrow when I will have more time. And Skype MIGHT make it easier/quicker.

    Steve Ballard

    Hi okay. Today you have been talking to Dan, I’m not available tomorrow so Steve is going to be taking over from 1pm UK time. Thanks

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Steve (today)

    I have checked all the settings (I moved the Product Category field to the bottom) and all is OK. If you go to the main shop page, everything is working OK. It is going wrong on the taxonomy page. I wonder, as I can see differences in the pages, does the ovens page use a different template?

    Steve Ballard

    Hi Trevor
    I have taken over from Dan fro today as he is not in the office. I thought it would be a good idea to recap on where we are as i am concerned we may have lost track of the original issue. So…

    The problem was that the price range slider didn’t apply to what was visible on the page. It showed the slide from the cheapest price on the entire site, to the most expensive. NOT cheapest in currently viewed the product category to most expensive in the category.

    Everything else works fine as far as we could see.

    This was what we originally asked for help on the support forum for.

    We were then advised to try installing the beta version of the plugin because it solves a lot of Woocommerce issues.

    However, this didn’t fix that issue and created more issues with the attribute filters not actually working correctly.

    We’ve made a few changes to things (with your help) and we’re still getting the same problems.

    Here is the version with the new beta plugin:
    Here’s the version that has the old version of the plugin (just the initial issue):
    Here is the support thread:

    I would appreciate your reviewing this and advising us which would be the best installation for you to continue to support us with.



    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 20 total)

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